Summer of George
"i'll park where i bloody well like you Nazi scum.....i know your type they give you a hat and a billy club and you think you can start herding people into Ovens...."
Good Morning/Evening , obviously depending on which dreary hovel you are connecting from.
As previously mentioned .....I'm George, I will be representing my Client Mr BumSpud and in addition Mr Fumunda Cheeze has made a late Accusation which we shall also be looking into.
now this little Roustabout will require no Multi Sided Die...NPC character generation Tables or Random Encounter you Pack all your Floor plans away kiddie winks.
We are here for one Reason Only........Justice.....Justice for men who have been wronged by you....yes you with the dodgy wispy goatee and eyebrow ring.
Now , bear in mind i was the Man who got Curtis Stigers off Death Row....i'm a mean, lean, keen, Litigation machine.
Allow me to show you the Zebruger, Back and to the left...back and to the left.....this clearly indicates a second shooter on the Grassy Knoll....what..what is it?....oh, that's next week...what's this then?
ahhhhh, yes i remember.
Right there will now be a short 15 minute recess while i send my assistant to pick up some Smirnoff, Just talk amongst yourselves.
House of Spam - Crazy like a fox was a ground breaking TV show and taught me everything i know about the Law.
Good Morning/Evening , obviously depending on which dreary hovel you are connecting from.
As previously mentioned .....I'm George, I will be representing my Client Mr BumSpud and in addition Mr Fumunda Cheeze has made a late Accusation which we shall also be looking into.
now this little Roustabout will require no Multi Sided Die...NPC character generation Tables or Random Encounter you Pack all your Floor plans away kiddie winks.
We are here for one Reason Only........Justice.....Justice for men who have been wronged by you....yes you with the dodgy wispy goatee and eyebrow ring.
Now , bear in mind i was the Man who got Curtis Stigers off Death Row....i'm a mean, lean, keen, Litigation machine.
Allow me to show you the Zebruger, Back and to the left...back and to the left.....this clearly indicates a second shooter on the Grassy Knoll....what..what is it?....oh, that's next week...what's this then?
ahhhhh, yes i remember.
Right there will now be a short 15 minute recess while i send my assistant to pick up some Smirnoff, Just talk amongst yourselves.
House of Spam - Crazy like a fox was a ground breaking TV show and taught me everything i know about the Law.