Premium Member
yea but 5 archers could kill off the 2 hunts and hunts 2gether only have 1100 health
Dont u ever call me newb again! :angryOriginally posted by VBadGirl
never. u cant micro archers as good as hunts and the reson is their movement speed. plus i didnt even mentioned glaive bounce.
U maybe wanna try it 1v1 with me and prove it to u that hunts beat archers at tier 1 anyday and ALWAYS!.
If we talk in HP ratio:
2 hunts got 1200 HP which equals 5 archers (1200/240=5)
if u keep the food ratio:
2 hunts =6 food= 3 archers
now shut up newbs ><! before i get really pissed off.
Vbad.. plz i know how NE vs NE wins when both masses hunts.. but what i mean is:Originally posted by VBadGirl
in a ne vs ne match where both are massing hunts legend, the person that gets balista first wins. I had a replay somewhere that i can show u what i mean.
the only way he could have won that match with archers + kotg is if he outmicroed u badly. try going warden and pick SS or even FOK...u'll see what a differnce makes. or even POTM, a very popular choice in mirror matches (ne vs ne).
Indeed tier 1 hunts beats anything other races have at tier one. thats why most of the players chose to teh. they build some defense (arcane tower, nerubuian tower..etc) and they creep as much as they can. because at tier 2 is when ne are weak.
I also have a replay where i can show u what it means to be outmicroed. its a match against 2 of my best friends (1 ne- 1 orc). the orc player loses everything (grunts, hh, demolisers...) to 4 dryads and 2 bears. I have to ask thier permision before i put it.. and as a side note...both players are good solo players.
I am not even talking about late hunts, they suck at tier 2. and an archer will die at lvl 2 entangle, even lvl 1. i dont even have to focus on it. a hunt will not even die at lvl 3 entangle.Originally posted by N_LeGeNd)
sigh... u jus dont get it now do u? entangle ur hunts, bamn, he dies. I change to mass hunts.. and btw i have never tried this build, this build is jus from one of my opponent. and btw when u get ballista, i will have about 2 ballista and some hunts aswell. While you keep on losing ur hunt by entangle and focus fire.