1. Bible times are not to be taken literally no clue what they consider a year...
2.You are forgetting that there were no anti-biotics meaning there was no sanitation until 1840(ish) So the world was much more dangerous back then
1. That's true. Like I said, I think it's unlikely that we all came from just two people. Cyan made a good point:
Here's an interesting observation on the Adam and Eve/we're all a bunch of inbreds topic. It states in the bible that Adam and Eve have a few children, but 2 are key. Cain and Abel. Cain kills Abel because of jealousy and is sent away by God (you can find this in Genesis 4:15-16) When Cain left, he went to a different land and took up for himself a wife and had children. Now how did that happen?
Apparently Adam and Eve were the first people, but not the only ones that God made, according to the Bible. The Bible covers their lives, but it is obvious that others existed in other lands as well.
That seems waaaay more likely to me.
2. True, but when God created the world, everything was originally perfect, supposedly. Again, I think the possibility that God created more than just two people (though Adam and Eve may have been the first) is a lot more likely. The way my mind works is through science, and the facts about life spans, diseases, sanitation, incest, etc. don't really allow me to totally believe in the Adam/Eve theory.
But heres a better one for ya, if you believe the Bible is true then you believe in Noahs ark and the flood. Technically we are all decendents from Noah and his 3 sons and their wives if we believe that story to be true. Just food for thought... So I guess we are all a bunch of inbreds...
In a way, I guess we are. Then again, Noah's son's wives probably weren't closely related, so maybe the genetic defects wouldn't have been quite as obvious as if we all came from Adam and Eve.
...Or maybe not all of the Bible is truth, and is just meant to teach lessons rather than facts