Thank you! Finally! haha... I'm going to read the conversation and post up how I want my idea to go.... based on that... it's more a methodical proceedure rather than giving a mod a job or whatever... So here it is...
Basically I've looked at the common goal here... my goal is to get rid of the flames... your goal is to keep the asylum.... (ultimately my overall goal since the begining) so my idea is kind of how we can do both and keep the asylum, and reform it back to what it once was.
The first thing is... is we need to
close the Asylum up, (
NOTICE: this does not mean get rid of the asylum, it just means close it up for a while). Once that closes up, I realize you all are concerned about the fact that they will flame outside of the asylum... correct? well... that's where you all come in... your job is to do your job, every moderator knows that flames belong in the asylum... so report the post accordingly to a higher power.
As a moderator you will warn the individual and if they proceed with their actions of flaming. If they complain about not being able to get into the asylum, that is not your problem. Tell them you had nothing to do with it... and just because the asylum is closed, does not mean that it's their right to flame outside of it. If they proceed with flaming you will again report it to a higher power. At this point in time, the person is given a weeks vacation, this isn't a 3 strike policy. Their first warning is their only warning and it's a warning that shouldn't have to be given in the first place, everyone on the forum knows the rules and if they don't, they should be directed to them at the time of their warning.
here is the
link to the rules of the forums in general.
Now, just because they've been given a weeks vacation... this does not mean an apology cannot accepted at this point, it's a judgement call on how much they've been flaming and how much hastle they gave you at the time they got their vacation.
An e-mail of some sort should be provided to the address provided in their profile, letting the offender know that they have been banned from Battleforums due to accessive flaming, and they can reply to that e-mail if the so choose. DO NOT tell them that they have the opportunity to apologize... they can do it on their own. If they choose to bark at you, then they can keep their week, if they apologize... re-activate their account and we haven't lost anyone. If the person comes back and starts to flame again, they will again get another warning, something along the lines of... "this is your final warning, if you don't stop flaming, you will permanently be banned from Battleforums". Ultimately we're looking for the person to apologize after the warnings, not after the bannings. If they choose to proceed with a permanent ban, then what's the big deal at this point? we've warned them twice, gave them a vacation once... and they still proceeded, in my opinion, we're just losing a flamer, and in the same kind of way, it is a 3 strike policy...
First warning
First vacation
second warning
Permanent ban.
While all this is going on, the rules for the asylum should be being changed (Cort... you, me and some of the verteran members can have a meeting about these rules). Basically the rules will eliminate any member from flaming another member. Explain what flaming is as well... give a definition, maybe even an example. But not infringe on the idea that the asylum was created so that the everyday person didn't have to see offensive things, or very controversial topics in the chit chat forum, or entertainment zone. The asylum should be a place that you can go to, to talk about things that you can't in other forums, anything off-color, or off-topic, controversial topics. Always remember HEATED CONVERSATION/ARUGING IS NOT FLAMING. Flaming is direct shots at another member (I.E. - You are ghey, F*ck you you stupid bastard), basically stupid rediculous meaningless posts other than to jab at another member
When we've determined who the major flamers are on the board, it makes it that much easier to keep track of them when we decide to open the asylum back up.
Like I said, my idea isn't about removing the asylum, and it's not about removing members... it's about removing flames, however if you have to get rid of members to get rid of flames, then I'm for it, we don't need it.
A WARNING SHOULD NOT BE GIVEN OUT WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF ANOTHER MODERATOR WITHIN YOUR FORUM. This eliminates grudges. Zaku is very good about that with me in my forums, he comes to me and says "hey, what do you think of this?" and I tell him and sometimes I think it's nothing, sometimes I fix it myself, sometimes I let him fix it. But a warning should only be given after consulting another moderator, wether they're a moderator of your forums or not.
This has to be a team effort or it's not going to work... it involves watching over your forums like a hawk... and it involves talking to your staff members of your section and it involves talking to cort, so if you haven't talked with any of those people, talk to them, get to know them better... or talk to someone who is a moderator along side of you that has, get comfortable with your superiors... they're good guys... I promise.