Mav - shut up... be on my side of the arguement for a moment and see how many times I have to hear the words "Eliminating the asylum is just going to make the rest of our jobs harder because the flaming isn't going to end due to the moving of the asylum." Then say to me "quit saying we're lazy mods". I moderate 8 forums in the Warcraft forums, admittedly they're not the buisiest forums, but I keep track of what's going on in there, and I'd be more than willing to help out with your forums if you think it's going to be such a burden and you won't be able to handle it. So I'll quit using the words "lazy modding" if you stop whinning about how much it's going to be a pain in the ass for you to have the extension of reporting a post to Cort or another staff member to have a member warned or banned... I can see how much more difficult that would make your job.... really.... a 3 sentence PM.... oh the hand cramps, I can feel it now... :rolleyes
It's not as if we all spend 24 hours a day on this place checking each individual thread... I know I don't. I don't know about you. If you see a flame, warn them or ban them, that's the only real extension to job, I don't see what the big deal is. You don't have to go out of your way to look for them, usually if you see them they're in clumps, not individual flames. So I wouldn't expect you to do any more work than you do now in way of searching for flames, just if you see it, do something about it, just like any other thread problem.
This isn't so much about eliminating the asylum as it is about eliminating flames, if the asylum was the way it was when I first joined I'd be all for keeping it, but it's not even slightly close to that and it's just overflowing with Flame threads...
So again, I'll emphasize the fact that you will NEVER eliminate flames, but there is no point in promoting it, and if you do see flames outside of the asylum after the asylum is gone, then just warn the person or have them banned. If a weeks banning is too much for them, chances are they're going to apologize quickly for their actions and may be hesitant the next time they think about flaming. If they decide not to come back after a week... then what's the difference so we lose someone who flames... something we're trying to get eliminate anyways...
Why are you putting up such a fight about this?