BattleForums suggestion thread.


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
Reaction score
Just consider the reactions of the users if The Asylum were to be deleted. All those flaming bastards would spread all over the forums... And they wouldn't be very happy about that... We can't start banning users, we just can't. That will make us sound like dictactors. The Asylum is like a dam, really. We already see some users (eg, sgt. slice) flaming outside of The Asylum. Image how it would be if there was no Asylum. Those guys really have a dire need for flaming.

Not everyone is alike. Some love to help, other love to dishelp.


Can you love such me?
Feb 10, 2003
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Global Pinballer
Generally, flaming looks right down immature. But Tronga's right; there are those current flamers in The Asylum who are going to spread flames all over the place.

The consequences of merging The Asylum and The Void can only be one of two things: absolutely successful or totally disastrous. All of us here (hopefully) are hoping to see the success of improving Battle Forums altogether. But what if the reverse effect happens? It's not going to look pretty, is it?

- Amantis

Silynt Rage

Sep 15, 2002
Reaction score
Did you guys even read what I had to say as a punishment for flaming on the forums altogether after the asylum was gone? Start banning people for a week at a time... who cares about the numbers... they'll at least know who's in control and what they can and can't say. That's something that should be done now, and it does bother me that it's not considering we have th asylum for that... again I have to bring up the fact that maybe we have lazy modding going on around here. So it makes more work around here again, I emphasize IT'S JUST LIKE ANY OTHER FORUM CHANGE, THERE IS AN ADJUSTMENT PERIOD

like i said, you can't eliminate flames, but you can certainly cut down on them, and like I also mentioned, the asylum just breeds more flamers and it's degrading to every member, I don't understand why we have the need to keep something that puts down what members we have, it either drives them away or forces them to defend themselves, in which case they join in on the flaming and poof, we have another flamer..

Edit: Amantis, you're a staff member, you don't like someone flaming out of the asylum, do something about it... ban them for a week, don't complain that the flames outside of the forum aren't under control... you are one of 4 staff members that has the power/ability to do something about it and opts out of it. I hardly see Cort arguing with you for banning someone that was flaming outside of the asylum.


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
Reaction score
Yes, I must agree with that "The Asylum is breeding flamers" part. Just look at Racoon. But, remember, most users will face a ban week as a permanent leave. Or not, true... Well, we really can't try those things, we have to plan them first.

And, it is not just like another change, this is a big change. Well, I have a suggestion then. Why don't we create a sticky thread on The Asylum, and we shall see what they think. We could also ask what would they do when that happens, but I don't think we can really believe on that...


Can you love such me?
Feb 10, 2003
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Global Pinballer
Rage: Banning would be done, but this is not a good time to do so. Certainly not when we are currently in the midst of the heat of debating over it right here in the Battle Staff forums.

- Amantis


To Punish and Enslave..
Dec 11, 2002
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I'm a wanderer. I am everywhe
Lazy modding? What's up with that? You've been saying that a lot of times Rage. What the hell has that got to do with the Asylum? And do you think banning people would give us a good result? How can you even be sure that if you take out the Asylum it would minimize flaming? Why the hell are you so pissed about the Asylum. It's just one forum. Is it because people are starting to flame you there? I'm sorry for the outburst but I can't no longer stand this. Specially the lazy moderating stuff. You've been repeating that for more than once now and yes we read that already and we understood what that means. No need to type and type it again. I know you are doing good in modding in your forums but we're different from you. We handle things differently in the General forums coz we are not the same with each other. We don't have the same judgement on things so don't you say some of us here are lazy moderators. All of us wants what's best for BF. Say what you want but personally I don't think you want what's best for BF but what's best only for you!


P.S. I'm still sane but I am mad for today but I don't hold grudges on anyone. Please understand I'm a human and have emotions. Sorry for being offensive.
Jan 23, 2003
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Monterey, Cali
You all seem to have forgotten the one other option he mentioned which is to remove post counts from there as we did before. Leave theasylum where it is so that we can keep the flaming controlled, but remove post counts from there so that people have as much of a desire to post because it will not increase there post count. Look at the void. It gets quite a few posts because its the most fun place to post, but not nearly as many as the other forums do. Instead of arguing back and forth for days, on something you will never agree on, try other ideas and find an option you think might work.

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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If anyone is scared that taking away the Asylum is destructive, i don't see why you can' t just mod your places harder. then it would truely show how good you really are.

We don't even need to delete the asylum, maybe move it and lock it for like a month to see if it has a good effect, and if not replace it and unlock it.

I have spoken.


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
Reaction score
That will only make things worse IMO. The asylum quality will lower (even more). Spam spam and spam...


That, I mean the asylum post counts removed...


Can you love such me?
Feb 10, 2003
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Global Pinballer
Originally posted by ProdigiousLucidOsprey
You all seem to have forgotten the one other option he mentioned which is to remove post counts from there as we did before. Leave theasylum where it is so that we can keep the flaming controlled, but remove post counts from there so that people have as much of a desire to post because it will not increase there post count. Look at the void. It gets quite a few posts because its the most fun place to post, but not nearly as many as the other forums do. Instead of arguing back and forth for days, on something you will never agree on, try other ideas and find an option you think might work.
Amen to that.

Maybe one should be a little more creative and flexible than be stuck and stubborn.

- Amantis


To Punish and Enslave..
Dec 11, 2002
Reaction score
I'm a wanderer. I am everywhe
Yes I agree about taking out the post counts in Asylum. So that other members who wants to spam and flame for no reason but just to increase their post counts would be discouraged to do so. I wonder why Cort put it back....


Can you love such me?
Feb 10, 2003
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Global Pinballer
Might have been the rollback that reenabled those post counts again Mave.

- Amantis

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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Originally posted by Maverick
Yes I agree about taking out the post counts in Asylum. So that other members who wants to spam and flame for no reason but just to increase their post counts would be discouraged to do so. I wonder why Cort put it back....
I think it just came along with the rollback


To Punish and Enslave..
Dec 11, 2002
Reaction score
I'm a wanderer. I am everywhe
No it didn't. Cort mentioned that he put it back. He even said that it is still a trial period and if he sees a negative effect he would take it out again. Or was I dreaming?

Silynt Rage

Sep 15, 2002
Reaction score
Mav - shut up... be on my side of the arguement for a moment and see how many times I have to hear the words "Eliminating the asylum is just going to make the rest of our jobs harder because the flaming isn't going to end due to the moving of the asylum." Then say to me "quit saying we're lazy mods". I moderate 8 forums in the Warcraft forums, admittedly they're not the buisiest forums, but I keep track of what's going on in there, and I'd be more than willing to help out with your forums if you think it's going to be such a burden and you won't be able to handle it. So I'll quit using the words "lazy modding" if you stop whinning about how much it's going to be a pain in the ass for you to have the extension of reporting a post to Cort or another staff member to have a member warned or banned... I can see how much more difficult that would make your job.... really.... a 3 sentence PM.... oh the hand cramps, I can feel it now... :rolleyes

It's not as if we all spend 24 hours a day on this place checking each individual thread... I know I don't. I don't know about you. If you see a flame, warn them or ban them, that's the only real extension to job, I don't see what the big deal is. You don't have to go out of your way to look for them, usually if you see them they're in clumps, not individual flames. So I wouldn't expect you to do any more work than you do now in way of searching for flames, just if you see it, do something about it, just like any other thread problem.

This isn't so much about eliminating the asylum as it is about eliminating flames, if the asylum was the way it was when I first joined I'd be all for keeping it, but it's not even slightly close to that and it's just overflowing with Flame threads...

So again, I'll emphasize the fact that you will NEVER eliminate flames, but there is no point in promoting it, and if you do see flames outside of the asylum after the asylum is gone, then just warn the person or have them banned. If a weeks banning is too much for them, chances are they're going to apologize quickly for their actions and may be hesitant the next time they think about flaming. If they decide not to come back after a week... then what's the difference so we lose someone who flames... something we're trying to get eliminate anyways...

Why are you putting up such a fight about this?


To Punish and Enslave..
Dec 11, 2002
Reaction score
I'm a wanderer. I am everywhe
It's not that we can't handle those people if the Asylum is out. Be open minded for just a second will you? How can you be so sure that this will have a good result? If one person flames somebody and you will ban him and other members will see it and starts saying that you're implementing Martial Law in the forums and starts talking sh*t about you. Are you gonna ban them too? Remember that this is a forum not a communist country. People can say what they want here even if it means flaming but it's good that they do it in the right place. If you can't handle flaming why don't you just ignore the Asylum and quit visiting there? Can't you see what you're trying to do here? The chances of people will stop flaming is very slim. We're humans. We have those differences. If you don't like somebody where are you gonna say it if the Asylum is taking out? If your point is that you wanna minimize flaming and spam in the Asylum why can't you see that a good idea is to put a moderator there? I know it's Cort suggestion and you might say "yes of course you like that suggestion because it's from Cortalos the great Admin." It may come from anyone here yet I would still agree with it because it's the best idea for now. Now why don't you shut up.


Premium Member
Aug 6, 2002
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Middle of Nowhere
Let's say there was a new set of rules installed into the Asylum, along with some moderators.

Rules that would allow topics not allowed in the normal forums, but not topics that would stray too far off the edge of reality.
Examples, causing people physical harm, killing someone, blowing up a school, etc... Topics that I'm sure we all can identify at a glance.

Rules that would maybe allow arguing, but straight out flaming, for no other purpose would not be tolerated.

I guess it would be rules that would guide the Asylum back to what it used to be, or something similar, without it seeming like we are forum nazis. One step at a time, maybe two, till we train the untrainable.

Let's hear some suggestions for rules... not do it this way, because it's the only way, suggestions for rules that could be implimented in a sane manor, in an insane forum.

((I have a few, but I don't want to add them to this, or follow myself with a double post))

EDIT: Now that I posted this, I find Corts Compromise thread, so this may not be needed.

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