That is very nice advice there Beastie. ROFL Ross
Sometimes when you really like someone and you really want a
relationship with them you have to take a leap of faith and trust
them even though you know there is a possibility that you are
going to be hurt. Get this girl's # and call her as much as possible

every day even lol. It's not true that all girls spend hours on the
phone every day cause I myself hate talking on the phone but
when he calls I forget that I don't like talking on the phone hehe.
I just like talking to him and being around him. We're into the
same things and at first we had a little language barrier (didn't
understand each others' lingo/sense of humour) but now it's as if
we were always thinking the exact same thing all along, only put
into different words because we grew up different but on the
inside we are quite a bit alike. Plus, like I said, he is my favourite
person in the world so of course I like being around him.
And Ross, ya it is perfect

It feels perfect and he is perfect.
But anyways, this wasn't meant to sound sappy lol.