Here it is: all the townish terrain is from master mind, all the cliff terrain and caves up top are from me, here's the overview of the map:
1. The doctors "house" we can call it, is in the bottom left.
2. In the town there is an army base, where the large carrier (the alien ship) is held, also a park and a smal side exit on the bottom right, leading to where the alien lives, and where the ex-marine hideout is.
3. Top left, now you leave the town and enter into a series of small caves (ramps aren't done yet) you spend a short amount of time here, before entering a cave in the top left corner.
4. The cave, slowly jumps you across to the other side of the rvier (2nd cave doodad isn't there yet) here you spend a LONG time in the caves b4 reaching a small army base, and a smal frozen pond/river, there is a warp gate here.
5. The warp gate warps you down to the elevated warp gate, you follow this snowy land around the top of the city, to a bridge, the bridge crosses back over the river, and the final warp gate will then call upon the alien ship to transport you away.
Then we make part 2

Master virus, make a briefing on this plz asap, a spec fx brief obviously, someone else will make the story brief.
then, we can finilaze terrain, figure out the small stuff on trigs, and do those.