Ok bliz we can't stick to the original idea because we all agreed that we didn't want to relate this to DBZ in any way at all.
Here are my comments on the map (im getting started on basic terrain in 10-20 minutes)
1. Dr. Uralong is cool

2.They are in cryogenic tanks in a STORAGEROOM.
3. The way out of the building is actually the doro which was blown apart and is borken (keeps moving up and down).
4. The androids are definetely not complete, sometimes when they destroy a army building or something, they find a part that they can use (one of them can use it that is) it givefs them, minerals for attack power, vespene for defense power, or batteries to allow them to live longer.
5. Batteries: the androids need "power" in the form of batteries, or other things, they start with 100 and it continualy decreases every second/2 seconds/3 seconds/4 seconds or whatever.
6. There are 4 people who CAN help the androids (they aren't required to help them) these are:
ex-marine: gives the special batteries that boost their life to like.. 200.
alien: gives them a "teleporter card' which will allow them in-game to teleport from one teleporter to another.
????: gives them certain special powers (each android has dif powers, read below)
????: gives them cool suits that they can switch into (each android has a dif suit, read below)
7. Suits/Powers:
Zealot: (SUIT: terran civilian)
Dt: (SUIT: terran ghost)
Archon: (SUIT: Ultralisk)
Dark Archon: (SUIT: Defiler)
Goon: (SUIT: super dragoon)
we can all plan out for powers, im starting terrain right now

. (size 192x192 is plenty Dirty[elf] or else the map will get too big)
8. They don't esacpe to their homeland, earth is their home, but they just escape from earth (if we make episode 2 of this then that will b them trying to get to the new planet)
i think i covered it all, terrain now.