Statues are magic immune. And has anybody ever seen a statue run out of mana? If it does turn it into a Destroyer. I mana burnt one of thoes things three times at lv 4 and it still had tons of mana left.
Undead shouldn't be easily harassed but they shouldn't have a tower that can stop them from getting rushed two frost towers stop 12 hunt from getting in and can easily tip game in there favor if attack them.
Aboms didn't need the buff so they should remove it.
Gargs own hyp's
And that Nuke is over powered still by far. Entangle last 3 seconds on hero's at lv 3.
Strike is pointless on a hero that can out run anything with slow posion and strike on it.
That 50% thing is working on me. =/ I'm like 52% ranked something like 117