Originally posted by Theroy
Undead is over powered and they are gay.
Statues- Are over powered thoes moving moon wells. They are better then preists and can restore mana.
Yeah but u should remmber, undead palyers do not regenerate off blight at all compared to other races (even Ne heals everywhere when at night) and ud has the majority low hp units. priests heal 25 hp/sec to one units. statues heal 10 hp/sec to 6 units provided they are in the vacinity. Priest has 3 spells, statues only really has 2 forms of heal and mana regen. Priests can dispel all enemy buffs, and all de-buffs and cast innerfire, providing additional armor and attack increase to units in seconds, statues can regenerate hp and mana. Priests have brilliance arua to help make sure they never run out of mana, while statues are undeads form of mana regeneration. Statues are mechanical, and must be repaired, but Undead doesn't have more than 5-10 acolytes, and their wood harvester is 2 food so more acolytes are food costly especialy if u need an anticaster 5 food destroyer. Not to mention statues costs 3 food in the first place, so undead players generaly spend 6 food, at 400 gold and 70 wood to heal hit points and mana, no race has that ablity, but no race has a cost to place upon it not even moonwells. Which by the way Moonwells put no strain on your economy or army like statues do, becuase moonwells are required for NE to build and they require less gold, 5 more wood, have fortified armor, coupled with better armor, and provide the NE army with mroe food And can be upgraded to regenerate 50% faster with 125 more mana. Statues can heal 10 hp/sec.
Destroyers- Are insanley over powered even with this reduce in splash still are
Destroyer are strong, but what do you expect? OMG they can beat your mass hunt army? they sure can't beat a dryad army, yet they counter what they should, and they are countered by what they should but everyone screams imbalance. Guess what, Destryoers essentialy the first one costs 375 gold and 185 wood and the rest following cost 300 gold and 35 wood. a unit that costs 300 gold (which is still more than a Tauren costs) has to be good, or why the hell would anyone make it. Only thing u do by nerfing them is making it so undead is unable to counter anything. But you all like that cause none of u play undead, and therefore don't know what it is like to paly it day in and out. ok u can take the race and bash some noobs with it, but facing good palyers repeatedly and ur going to know why units like these were added.
Abombinations were the least used tier 3 meele, and sucked out of all four races. Good human players know that knights are good, u jsut need to learn to use them. Not to mention abombs have the most useless upgrade. Disease cloud? was that thrown in there to try and make it look like abombs have to fart and that is it? look at the other meele, Knights have 350 speed, Taurens have AOE that deals 60 damage, Bears can cast roar giving them extra attack and transform to casters and cast the best healing spell in the game. besides having the second highest tier 3 meel unit in the game, that is all the abomb is and is refered too. Otherwise, the 100 hp isn't a big buff at all, but it helps to have meele that is at least usefull in the game.
Necros- monserly overpowered
monserly? I'll assume u mean monsterly. Overpowered? why because u can't counter it fast enough and I beat u even though u know I would get it. Undead still gets the short end of the stick when it comes to spells. The Necromancer and Banshee (with the exception of the DOTC which still is ur tier 3 meele also so its hard to compare) are the most expensive casters. not to mention the fact that the banshee is the most useless caster, so well disclude her. Now the necromancer is 145 gold, 10 less then a sorc, and that is more expensive than all the other casters. I assume u mean skellys are overpowered, casue no one gets necros of frenzy or cripple cause it isnt worth the cost for those spells. skeletons at initiate level are pretty strong, OK but it still costs 75 mana, and with an initial mana pool of 200, that is two casts, and and that is assume they have full mana which unless u have 2 statues, won't happen. move into master caster, to get perfect skeetions still costs skelly mages 250 gold and 175 wood.
Now by the time u get master necros, ur enemy has to have some form of dispel, unless ur playing a noob that doesn't scout. Destroyers completely mirk necromancers, spirit walkers disenchant has the best AOE dispel and completely destroys skellys, fairy dragons hit any casint units including statues, and placing those in a good position still hurt coupled with wisps which dispel, then humans have dispel which is still the best anti-caster spell cause of its low cost to the human army to completely remove buffs and de-buffs, and the skell when it is dispelled, gives exp to the enemy.
250 gold and 170 wood
Fiends- hp reduction. Argurably the best ranged unit.
A small nerf may be in order, but only at the cost of a nerf to wyverns and a buff to web. Everyone thinks fiends are overpwoered cause they are overused, but when u think of how useless ghouls are past solo matches, u realize fiends are the average palyers only options. Fiends are also uselss agaisnt air. All I hear is these ignorant players yelling that web is overpowered and fiends own air cause of it. My god, I challenge anyone here to face me in a solo game. U can be Undead and I can be orc.
Frost towers= over powered
Ok so lets make undead the most easily harased uni in the game, which it already is. Wow a tower that slows u down is overpwoered cause it makes undead unharasable. hears an idea, Dont haras in the first place. In the end however, if u weren't such a pussy one frost tower won't do shit to a group of hunts running into attack. Not to mention the tier one glaive thrower. I'd be damned if I see the frost tower nerfed, and burrows stay the same, cause undead can still die with a frost tower, but an orc can take out an army with burrows. Don't cry to me about a tower that does 9 damage, which is less than an acolyte does.
That was funny to read, considering Gargs are paper, and if anything require a buff. Look at this very carefully, gargs deal normal damage to air which deals 100% damage, and units that do piercing deal 150% to unarmored gars. WTF. Gargs are useless as anti-air units, cause look Hippos, bats, Dhawks and web completely destroy them. So if they don't counter light air, and heavy air is usualy followed by light air, what use is gargs. Ground attack? "but that must be overpwoered too cause its an undead unit that can attack the air and the ground and doesn't die to my hunts?" wow, u can use a combo of ghouls with them to destroy archers, but that is exactly why noobelves get bashed, undead uses a combo while ur busy massing one unit. not to mention that gargs are the worst air when it coems to aoe spells, meaning that carrion, nova, lightning, FOK, breath of fire, and drunken haze works best on gargs compared to everyother air unit in the game. Heros are overpowered too? Already i explained why the DK shouldn't be touched.
DK/LIch/Crypt lord = Combo= Overpowered nuke bs
If not for the undead nuke, undead wouldn't survive in a game. Take them out tier one. ever heard of mana burn or shadowstrike, entangle? the level 1 spells that are broken early and useless late, compared to coil which as an offence is useless early and amazing late. three heros, your still looking at tier 3. Besides the 15 food cost, and 850 gold cost for 2 additional heros, level 1 of each isn't a game breaker, uneed a high level spell to really be imbalanced, so heres an idea, dont let them creep, and creepjack them.orever try finishing the game before he gets there. Casue he sure as hell won't get there as fast as an orc or NE can ebcause of costs.
I think that about covers Undead and why they are over powered. [/B]
except the game is balanced