233. Good rendered unit portraits like in sc1 but better (not like in wc3).
234. Alot more creeps, like in wc3, that can be either hostile or not.
235. The ability to effect doodads. This was first introduced in the beta version of starcraft, when firebats could make trees burn, but was later removed. Maybe blow up certain places in cliffs, make your own paths up to cliffs or trough water, blow up bridges, etc.
236. More unarmed units for certain installation maps, in addition to the Terran Civilian, with a different look. E.g. Computer technicians, Women, Children, Officers, Old men, etc.
237. A more complex map editor, much like the wc3 one, with slight differences.
238. A better tutorial map.
239. More unit-upgrades.
240. [Multiplayer] Clan- and tournamentsystems on Battlenet, as in wc3.
241. A Warcraft 3-like quest system. With a lot of optional objectives that you can complete to gain a better chance to victory.
242. Full 3D, with a realistic appearance.
243. A more trigger-based single player campaign.
244. One, or more new playable races.
245. If possible, some sub-races in the campaign (like the subrace naga in warcraft 3).
246. No space plaform tileset. Instead, maybe new installation tilesets.
247. Several new planet tilesets, each with a legion of new doodads.
248. A more advanced replay-watcher. E.g. to see dialogues between players or the crosshair/mouse pointer.
249. Maybe neutral buildings, like in warcraft 3, although it would seem a little strange if a zergling went into a shop without killing everybody inside it.
250. Instead of a mission briefing-system, have a short summary.
251. [Multiplayer] The ability to chat with other players during the mission briefing/map loading time.
252. [Multiplayer] The ability to chat during lag-time.
253. Hidden secrets in the singleplayer campaign.
254. Additional units, buildings, abilities and heroes.
255. A very big sortiment of doodads.
256. Custom music in the campaign.
257. Each unit and heroe with a special unique ability.
258. A Cutscene view, like in wc3.
259. Several rendered 3D movies in the campaigns.
260. Good sound quality.
261. Diverse campaign maps.
262. An ability to change the difficulty of the singleplayer campaign.
263. Random AI scripts.
Tell me if I forgot anything...
thx, spoo.