1001 Things we want to see in SC2


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 30, 2002
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343) Hero's

(I'm going to get banned)


Jul 1, 2005
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i want carriers=instant win!! :D :p jk


New Member
Sep 15, 2005
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347) I want it o where heros can be controlled with WASD and the mouse to shoot..


New Member
Sep 22, 2005
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This is gonna be a long one....

348. I would like to see a 3d engine as new RTS games are starting to look amazing i.e. Age of empires III

349. Nukes be much more powerful and have a larger area of affect BUT be extremely hard to do to balance it out.

350. Unit deaths be a little more realistic, blown up tanks, crashed aircraft, zerg carcasses and have them be minable by workers for a percentage of their orignal value.

351. damage be more reaslistic example: if a marine gets hit by a ultralisk he dies and gets thrown a short distance, or a shot down aircraft falls and takes out units below.

352. As metioned before a squad system for unit where one unit is deemed the leader and the rest follow and work together, instead of sending in a group of marines and two medics and the medics stand there next to the target and do nothing. Each squad can have a set of combat styles a.(they all focus on one unit) b.(they focus on units they are most effective against, while still staying in the group) and so on. This will hopefully help with the micromanagement.

353. Bigger supply limit if sqaud system^ is used.

354. spell autocasting (all spells unlike WC 3) but can be turned on and off. Spellcasters will automatically target units dependant on their squads combat style.

355. damage unit deals will decrease as HP decreases (deals 40% of max damage when has 40% hp left)

356. Battlecruiser has more than one laser turrent. Carrier interceptors and battle cruiser have their own set of combat styles i.e. mutiple units or all focus on one

357. Ghost have sniper ability (like seige mode on tank, no movement but higher damage)

358. units can build destructable bridges

359. Selecting multiple squads gives tactical moves (pincer attack, so on)

360. a order pause button so you can give orders to all your units and then they all move at once (this is used in Empire Earth 2)

361. Ability to take direct control of one unit (first person) this was used in a game called machines another RTS that came out after starcraft. Not a very good game but that was a cool feature.

362. Infantry units will take cover behind anything they can. If there is a tank or goliath in its squad it will take cover behind that when its not shooting.

363. reavers and carriers will automatically rebuild scarabs or interceptors (can be turned on or off)

364. ranged Units range increases with change in elevation

365. Custom soundtracks for multiplayer(Like on an Xbox)

366. When you have more units than your current supply can support your resources is by every unit you are over. (you only have supply for 10 units but you have 15, so a percentage of the resources you gather will be deducted.

367. In multiplayer allies can trade resources.

368. Units can move between more than two points in patrol mode

369. Infantry can Capture buildings (of the same race).

370. In multiplayer allied can devote parts of their income to other players for different things like defending another persons base, having one person focus on resources and another focus on military and maybe one more on reasearch. incentive later in the game being if one part fall they all fall. Also set up so like a contract so whoever doesn't hold up their end of the bargain loses something. Can be mutally withdrawn by both people.

371. A stats tracker that keeps track of more than just wins and loses. Like keeping track of broken contract or alliances (alliances can be mutally withdrawn or just broken also)that way we all know who backstabs all the time.

372. Battlenet has a feature where you can view people you recently played list.

373 An improved Friends list.

374. Stats can be checked in game

375. Stats also kept online like halo 2

376. No rush timer so units can't use attack ability for specified time limit.

377. New multiplayer mode. Each team or person gets a planet with however many territories. The game is split up into theatres. Each territory is a theatre and the space between planets is a theatre. Units can be sent between theatres and control of each theartre is determined by whpever has bases set up in the theatre, space is no mans land although you can control it with units, its not capturable. You can atack on multiple fronts and
it would help in alleviating the one big battle at the end of the game as there would be multiple theatres. destroying all of a teams bases in one theatre would give you its control. and teams can be eliminated by whatever terms determined by the host. the only prob with this is it can take an extremly long time, but you could save it and continue with whoever you wanted or with computers. It would give the sense of a war not just one isolated battle adding to the fun of the game. I wouldn't imagine this being recorded by stats though because it would take a very long time to do. If someone had to leave for whatever reason it would be unfair for them to have to leave and it count against them because the game took too long. I think this would suit better for custom and lan games though.

378. Units have a kill button so you don't have to take the time killing them with another unit.

379. Blizzard Keeps the races unique and any new races are unique as well.

380. They make it before 2009, Because thats when i graduate and I need something to do between now and then!


BattleForums Addict
Feb 8, 2005
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Sakuhta said:
Thanks to BlizzForums for the idea, 1001 things that we want to see in Starcraft 2.

Post all your ideas in yellow so we can differentiate between them and chit chat in this thread. If you feel like you want to expand on an idea, make a new thread on it, that's what the StarCraft 2 forum is for.

1. Xel' Naga as a playable race
2. Protoss heavy melee unit
3. Stronger Zerg A+G attacking air unit

Continue on. I don't know whether this thread will work or not, that's all up to you. If there's too much spam in this thread, a BattleForums staff member will close and move this thread leaving a "Rejected Harshly" sign.

Archon imune to EMP shocwave.
More damage for the marine.
A high command unit like the heroes in Warcraft.
Unlimited food suply or at least 300 let's say.


Nov 27, 2005
Reaction score
me i want to see a super ghost........1 that trows a chip onto a unit and the nuke locks on to the chip... and i want to see kerrigan human again lmao im sure we all do... nah that wuld mess with the story... but lets see i want more unit control(able to select and move more) and infinant units (live red alert) also want to see anti air seige tanks....and how about better combat...like press a button a marine throws a grenade... the combot on sc 1 was micro ur units and hope ur units shoot beter..and 1 thing most defantly
WAY MORE RACES like 7 lol 3 makes things to ez to handle...


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