And to add to that: the Bush family has really close personal ties with the Saudi Royal Family and the influential Bin Laden family (who seem to be getting so many major building contracts in the Kingdom). Now, officially the Bin Ladens have disowned the black sheep of their family, but Osama does occasionally like to drop in on a family event (like his nephew's wedding) and is welcomed with open arms.Not many know this but the Bush family and the Bin Ladens are business partners. Osama worked for the CIA as did Saddam. The US is also one of the biggest financial supports of alot of these 2 bit bloodthirsty dictators.
It goes beyond family ties. The US has even funded Osama and (the precursor of) Al-Qaeda directly. During the Cold War, the USSR was poised to invade Afghanistan, thereby being at arms length to Iran, who was a US ally in the days of the Shah. True enough, the Soviets invaded, but were kept at bay by guerilla fighters; the Muhajirun as they were called were funded by millions of dollars of US tax payers money, and they did their job, and kept the weapons. And a new type of warfare was born, a new type of military might, one that was not obvious, one that was able to wage effective attrition warfare, and keep a conventional force far more advanced than it effectively at bay. This is the nature of the force facing the US troops in Iraq right now.
Looking back, it seems like the US has sown the seeds of its own affliction with terrorism. It funded too much evil in the Middle East, so much so that the evil has come back to haunt the land of the free. Dictators were supported, people were given arms, and civilians taught the gruesome realities of conflict. These are the seeds of 9/11. True, it may be Osama, but however it may spin, it still goes back to the sins of the US in the Cold War. Cover-up or not, it is the US that takes the blame...