Your Opinion On Linkin Park

Do you like Linkin Park?

  • Yup

    Votes: 31 66.0%
  • Nope

    Votes: 15 31.9%
  • Never been there (tee hee)

    Votes: 1 2.1%

  • Total voters


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 25, 2003
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I wouldnt have to flame you if you didnt start being such a ________. But anyways remember Johnnq, you started it.

Anyways if I want to find music I usually go on google and type in "SongName.MP3" usually you will get text-sites which show playlists, but once in a while you will find a link in order to actually access and get the song from that website.


Ok, was just browsing forums, found one that mentioned LP. I voted. then i read the posts. and i must say, I totally agree with guitarmonkey on everything he said. LP sucks, and sales dont imply talent! shoot, the boy bands sold records didnt they? talent? I dont think so. LP is a disgrace to "rock" music(it's not rock, its crap trying to be rock). If you want guitar playing, good music, listen to the songs guitarmonkey mentioned, and also, listen to old school metallica(you'll bang your head till your brains fall out), or ozzy(just plain rules), or the like. this generation of music embarrasses me!


Well i had to vote no because lp sucks and i too agree with guitarmonkey
@vanilla ice cream ,i bet lp just makes you melt
@guitarmonkey ,i would by your bands cd before i would even think about listening to lp:shoot


BattleForums Senior Member
May 17, 2003
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Originally posted by newbie4lyfe
everyone likes linkin park no matter what... i havent met a person dat doenst like linkin park
Hi. Now you've met me.

I don't get the rap rock thing. I think that *****y dude's lyrics are the lamest thing since Hugh Hefner off viagra.


Originally posted by zergs_hellfire
actually dont...there will be too many posers

i will not tell the names of the bands:p
You my friend need to eat yourself.

Please do not double post


- AxL


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 25, 2003
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Free music.. I am guessing or something, I dunno


May 26, 2003
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My ultimate opinoin on linkin park can be found to enter key hits to the bottom

They suck ass
Aug 26, 2003
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Originally posted by rifferm
Ok, was just browsing forums, found one that mentioned LP. I voted. then i read the posts. and i must say, I totally agree with guitarmonkey on everything he said. LP sucks, and sales dont imply talent! shoot, the boy bands sold records didnt they? talent? I dont think so. LP is a disgrace to "rock" music(it's not rock, its crap trying to be rock). If you want guitar playing, good music, listen to the songs guitarmonkey mentioned, and also, listen to old school metallica(you'll bang your head till your brains fall out), or ozzy(just plain rules), or the like. this generation of music embarrasses me!
Yes boy band sold record. why? Because of their music? No. Because they had appeal? Yes. Because a lot of girls in america have a "crush" on them and think that they are "hot"? Yes.

Now let's look at LP, i don't know a girl who actually is physically attracted to any members in the band.

There are MORE aspects to popularity than talent.

And another thing, did you listen to the song "breaking the habit", you think the lyrics in the song are crap??? The song does have a deeper meaning than what is on the surface.

And one more thig, did you ever watch linkin park's music videos. They are actually intelligent guys. Most of their videos are symbolic of something in their song. Now how many artists/bands actually do something like that? I saw a "simple plan" video and a "sum 41" video. there was absolutely ZERO intelligence used in making those videos. On the other hand, linkin park does use intelligence when making their music videos so there is a difference between them and other bands. If you do not understand what i'am saying about their music videos:

1. you have not seen a music video from LP

2. you are too stupid to figure out what they mean and you should sign up for an English class immediately.


May 26, 2003
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Yeah but the hell song is pretty funny [Sum 41]..The song sucks, just turn down the tv and watch the video. As for lp. No they suck, no way to get around that fact. Maybe they should take the **** out of their mouth and start singing.
Aug 26, 2003
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Originally posted by Hitsua
Yeah but the hell song is pretty funny [Sum 41]..The song sucks, just turn down the tv and watch the video. As for lp. No they suck, no way to get around that fact. Maybe they should take the **** out of their mouth and start singing.
ok first of all, all you do is make claims and then more claims, you do not support anything you say with examples or details etc.
And second of i was using sum 41 as an example. you did not respond to anything i said in my previous post except "linkin park sucks" which you said in the post before.
Aug 26, 2003
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Originally posted by AxL
That link.
here are some reviews that i found that say something about an orchestra.

My "Meteora" Review
"Meteora" is Linkin Park's follow-up to their successful Hybrid Theory album. I was a big fan of Linkin Park, but after "Reanimation" was released I lost interest. I watched the MTV Making the Video for "Somewhere I Belong" and I still wasn't sure if I would get "Meteora" or not. I thought "Somewhere I Belong" was okay at first, but after hearing it for the 3rd or 4th time, I really started to like it. So I figured I would give "Meteora" a chance.
Some of my favorite tracks on the album are: "Somewhere I Belong" (the first single), "Easier to Run", "Lying From You", "Breaking the Habit", and "Nobody's Listening"
"Somewhere I Belong" really grew on me after awhile (I really like the chorus). "Easier to Run" is a mid-tempo mosh-ballad, that is about how hard it is to face your problems. "Breaking the Habit" is a song that Mike Shinoda has been working on for the past 5 years. (you learn that in the "Making of Meteora DVD") It was originally supposed to be an short interlude, but ended up becoming a 3 minute song w/ a live orchestra, Chester handles the vocals. "Nobody's Listening", it is the most "hip-hop" track on the cd, but I still like it (I don't like Rap or hip/hop, so that's a lot coming from me), it features some kind of Japanese flutes in the background.

"Meteora" is a solid cd with no "filler", it clocks in at 37 minutes. I probably like it more than "Hybrid Theory" and I'm sure it will be just as successful. The bonus DVD is worth the money and it is very interesting to how they made the album. The cd also includes the "Somewhere I Belong" video and tons of other extras Linkin Park fans will enjoy. So, if you liked what you heard on "Hybrid Theory", get this cd. If you're not a fan of Linkin Park or "Hybrid Theory", you're not going to like this one any better.

My rating: 4/5 Stars

a meteoric sophomore album!
having been disappointed with Reanimation (an unnecessary remix album), i was feeling a little skeptic about Meteora on how it would sound. until after hearing the first single Somewhere I belong, i was almost certain that Meteora would be like Hybrid Theory...packed with great songs. and i was not disappointed at all...this album is totally worth the wait (even for a 36 minute album). here is my breakdown of the songs:
01 Foreword - just an intro to the next song..sounds cool though
02 Don't Stay (5/5) - i like the heavy sound of it, kind of like
heavier One Step Close but more nicer.
03 Somewhere I Belong (5/5) - great first single, the intro is
really nice! i like it a lot.
04 Lying Form You (4/5) - really good feel to it, the tune is
unique and vocals are great.
05 Hit The Floor (3/5) - i really dont feel this song, but not
that bad either.
06 Easier To Run (5/5) - this is one of my favorite tracks on
the cd, great chorus and great melody!
07 Faint (4/5) - the papercut on this cd for me, mike did a
great job in rapping and chester on the chorus.
08 Figure.09 (4/5) - above average has the usual
linkin park vibe in the song.
09 Breaking The Habit (5/5) - wow, great song! not like the
usual LP sound since it has an orchestra.
chester's vocals is really good on this one.
10 From The Inside (5/5) - another great song..i love the
singing style of chester here.
11 Nobody's Listening (4/5) - great but could've done better
with the chorus, more guitars maybe..
but nonetheless its a great track.
12 Session (3/5) - another instrumental track, cure for the itch
is better...
13 Numb (10/5!!) - this one blows me away, this is the best
track on this cd no doubt! the verses and chorus are
well polished! its hard to believe they've done this
almost effortlessly (as the notes on the booklet says).

On the first review, it states that there was a live orchestra present in the DVD with Chester singing along. If you think i conjured these reviews out of thin air, then here is the link:


May 26, 2003
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Ok here is a backed up reson. It sounds like limp bizket with nsync crossed together, some crappy techno + crappy rock = lp


Alright, first off, so they make videos that go along with their songs. Woopdeedoo. Shoot, I dont listen to music for the video. Video for the most part are pointless. Second, I could care less that they are popular. They still suck. the mass populace dosen't like real music anymore. I'd rather be good than be famous, unlike some people I know. Famous is nice, but if I can't be good at what I'm doing, and enjoying what I'm doing instead of trying to just please the people listening, why? That's all LP does. They play stuff that they know people will buy. I'ts a money thing. Third, did I ever say anything about lyrics? No, didn't think so. Before you start telling someone to take english classes, learn to read moron.


Jun 6, 2003
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whoever said that LP has videos that show their intelligence etc...well, i hate to break it to you, but a band doesnt create their music videos. their record label hires a writer to make something catchy that people can analyze and all that crap. the only part that LP would have in the making is appearing in the video footage/


Buggin' Out
Nov 19, 2002
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Boston, Mass. USA.
I would also like to say that people saying "LP OWNS OMG LOL" need some help. Get some real music taste and listen to Led zeppelin.


Jun 6, 2003
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here, maybe some of you will realize what were trying to say after reading this:

1. Must have spikey hair with frosted tips.
2. Must rap.
3. Must whine when not rapping.
4. Must tell people that you're real metal because you listen to Korn and Limp Bizkit.
5. All your lyrics must be about suicide, how ****ty your life is and it must angry.
6. Everyone who has long hair is a hippie and gay.
7. Iron Maiden are not metal, they're "gay 70's/80's ****".
8. Korn are the gods metal.
9. Manson rules in your book, even though he's shock rock.
10. Must wear baggy ass pants that cover your feet so you can trip over them on stage.
11. If you don't have spikey hair, but rather dreads instead, you ****in' rule!
12. Must tell people that not only are you "metal" but you're gothic as well.
13. Must insult your fans everytime you're on stage.
14. Must insult your band members everytime you're on stage.
15. Must think every band not on MTV or K-Rock, suck.
16. Must only be popular in the U.S. any place else would be uncivilized.
17. Must praise MTV for giving your ****ty band a chance to rake in the dough.
18. Must buy a full length nu metal album just for the one hit wonder. Disregard all other songs.
19. You are only allowed to play 2 chords. Anything higher then 2 means you're too talented for the band.
20. If you don't hop up and down on stage, you suck.
21. When a new trend breaks in and you don't change, you're band is washed up and has always sucked.
22. If your favorite band is no longer popular, you must turn your back on them and make fun of them every chance you get.
23. Must make fun of every band that was popular in the past because they're no longer cool.
24. If you just recently got into In Flames, you're ****in' bad ass.
25. Must think you're satanic, even though you don't own a satanic bible.
26. Korn's album "Life is Peachy" is so ****in' satanic.
27. Must like at least one Britney Spears song, and the only reason you like it is because the music video was "gully".
28. When doing an interview you must talk really low, say "like" a lot, and at the same time, talk as if you were raised in the ghetto, even though you're a white boy who lived in a mansion growing up.
29. Must say you love your fans, but the second they download one of your songs off the internet, you tear them a new asshole, because even though you have millions of dollars, your money's more important.
30. Only start a band for the money, not for the love of the music.
31. Metallica are your heroes.
32. Fat John Davis from, Korn is hot and sexy.
33. Fred Durst is bad ass because he mentions his band name in every ****in' song, but if a band like, Manowar does it, it's not cool.
34. Must worship, Slipknot.
35. You must think Slipknot are the greatest "metal" band on the planet, even if they do suck.
36. Static-X are death metal because they toured with, Morbid Angel. You're not allowed to like them anymore.
37. One hit wonders, Drowning Pool are cool and the lead singer isn't really dead. He's just chillin'.
38. Must like at least one emo punk song. If you don't, you're a loser.
39. MTV is the greatest channel ever.
40. Carson Daly is cool.
41. That fat bald guy on MTV is soooooo metal and you worship his fatness.
42. There's no such thing as the underground.
43. Nu metal is the only metal in existence.
44. Korn's "Shoots and Ladder's" makes you cry.
45. "Shoots and Ladder's" is a power ballad that sooooo rules.
46. WWE Forceable Entry is the greatest "metal" comp. in the world.
47. Must only watch the Resident Evil movie for the music, **** the games, **** the story.
48. Life's a bitch.
49. Must like, Rage Against the Machine.
50. Must hate society, the government and the media, but want to be played all over MTV to make a lot of money and play big ass concerts in arena's.
51. Any music before 2001 is old.
52. I Know What You Did Last Summer and all 3 Scream movies are the best "horror" movies out there.
53. Who's Jason Voorhees?
54. You gotta like at least one rap album.
55. You hated, Ozzy Osbourne 5 years ago, but now that the Ozzfest has a band list of nu metal, he's your idol.
56. Must rip off every single "riff" from, Korn and Limp Bizkit, combine them and claim they're yours.
57. If you don't like, Pantera, you're not a bad ass and you're soooo gay.
58. Pantera were never glam, got it?
59. Black metal scares you.
60. Death metal scares you.
61. Power metal makes you fear sharp objects.
62. Glam Rock makes you cream your pants because they sing about parties and sex, but is still "gay 80's ****".
63. Must get into, Quiet Riot because, Manson let them play at a party of his.
64. "Faith" was written by, Fred Durst.
65. You're gay.
66. Anything loud is metal.
67. Must think people fear you, yet in reality, they are laughing at you.
68. Must drink beer just too look cool and then cry when you throw up.
69. Heh, heh, 69.
70. Must wanna ****, Britney Spears and then steal one of "her" songs.
71. The more you curse, the more bad ass you are.
72. The more you talk about how ****ty life is, the cooler you are.
73. Linkin Park are so talented.
74. Staind are cool because they bitch about things. Bitching is cool.
75. Manowar are not the loudest band in the world, Korn are because they're popular and cool.
76. And last but not least, you must be voted the #1 greatest "metal" band of all time in Hit Parader magazine because you had one, ONE, hit and you're extremely bad ass and heavy


Machine Gun Funk
Jun 15, 2003
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Washington DC
Originally posted by AxL
I would also like to say that people saying "LP OWNS OMG LOL" need some help. Get some real music taste and listen to Led zeppelin.
AxL truer words have never been spoken. if i were homosexual id say that i loved you. lol j/k. but really all linkin park does is scream and tell you to shutup. at least in rap the have constructive themes like im gonna rape your mom then kill you. :crackin

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