You know you watch too much Inuyasha when....
You jump down a well and get stuck and the fire department is called to get you out
You get archery lessons, fail, and then decide that you don't need lessons Kagome winged it!
You sent tapes to Japan to have your friend tape Inuyasha for you.
You sent anyone in Japan with the name Kagome a letter with dating advise.
You buy all the Inuyasha stuff you can
You sleep in a tree
The only way your mom can talk to you is if she dresses up like Kagome's Mom
You die your hair black
You are reading this
You made a list that this
You have a picture of the Inuyasha gang right next to your bed in a picture frame.
Everytime the lights go out you yell: "We have gone back in time!"
The first time you do when you go to college is located the nearest anime store and the nearest wells. And when they don't have enough anime stores you apply to a different school
You go into a jewery store looking for the Shikon no Tama and when the clerk says he doesn't have such a thing you think he is trying to keep it for himself and you search the entire store
You have the largest purple marble collection
You buy to dogs and name tem Inuyasha and Sessy you paint your dogs to looks like them and put them in different rooms because your afaird they will fight
Your actually reading this
You buy a cat and name is Kirara
You kill all the non-Inuyasha fans(there are non-inuyasha fans?)
Your friends duck tape your mouth shut because they are tried of hearing about Inuyasha
The people at the local anime store know you as "Inuyasha" or "Kagome" and they call each time they get in a new Dvd in
You visit every shrine in Japan looking for Kagome
You name your cat Buyo

Hope you like: There use to be a website that had 3 pages of this kind of stuff. It was great