How the hell is that true? Your just saying that because u hate DotA250. When you play too much of it.
251. When U get y/s on Visage
How the hell is that true? Your just saying that because u hate DotA250. When you play too much of it.
If you have Haze, Crit AND Thunder Clap at level 7, then you are playing him wrong.o yea! u mean greedy? shit i remember i used to b the greediet one of all especially wit Bloodseeker LMAO good times
252. when u dont spam thunder clap on Panda (shit 300 + dmage 55% slow + crit + haze at lvl 7 --enemies such as intel agil have only have about 500 yo 700 health -u do the math!)
Actually, that's one of the better items on him.256. wen u get radience on razor
265) You drop your Sentry Wards around your starting position just in case someone attacks you from there and they are invisible...But then you lose both gems.
264) You are so scared of a cloaked unit, you carry nothing but Sentry Wards and Gems.