167. You get Terrorblade and chooses the Metamorphosis thingy and brags about how you pwn wih Meta at lvl 1 and start attacking the lvl 1 towers.
168. You call ppl noobs whoever you kill, then gets pwnd and leaves.
169. Your base gets pwnd by creeps.
170. You, Rikimaru, have low life and is running. A Juggernaught follows you as he was nearby and he estimates and Blade Fury's you and you die. Then you start swearing and you leave.
171. You get First Blooded 5 minutes after game starts and leaves because you got ganked.
168 to 171 are in the same game..
I was a Juggy. I will not talk about 170 and 171. I'll talk about 168 and 169. Blue, the bragging *******, was a Centaur and he got Dominating (I think). He said,"Noob." Everytime he kills. Then he was ganked by my team and he left. So called pro. Then when the game went on till 1v3 in which I was the 3, I killed towers and opposing creeps knowing that I couldn't kill that Syllabear. Syllabear couldn't move so fast and so he was healing when he lost

. That's SWEET strategy.