Originally posted by BiZoB
Virus you bastard! This is MTG-Flike-Neo =D YAY thx Virus.
I'll take that as a: I'm da bomb and you owe me $10 because I posted that map...
But you didn't tell me what it is like. How do you play it? What's the objectives? I wan't to know stuff like that.
- The_Matrix_Reloaded
You control a hero high templar
if somebody kills your high templar, you lose game
you control like 1/7 of the map
in your base, there are like 10 beacons
divided into 2, 1 half of beacons are creatures and other half are spells
you kill a unit and you get your kills and razing score(zling is 50...)
Put your h t on one of the creature beacon and it will create that create somewhere in ur base
but creatures require a certain ammount of mana(kills and razing)
you will recieve 5 - 10 basic creatures(depends on color)(fbat or zling) every minute
If you have more than (for examp.)2000 mana, you will recieve 2-5 advance creatures
if you have more than 5000 mana, you will recieve 2-5 more advanced creatures
if you have more than 10000 mana, you will recieve 2-4 air expert creatures
most of the time, the creatures are recieved somewhere near the exit of your base
you can summon a spell(ht on spell beacon with required mana) spells can do various dings. for examp: kill all basic creatures, create more basic creatures for your, make all ur units invinc for 10 secs
advanced stuff
everybody has a civilian maybe at topright or topleft of the map with like 6 beacons there
there are certain buildings next to the beacon
again artifacts require mana
bring your civ to the beacon
and it will create that desire building outside of your base
as long as you control that building(and it's still alive) something could happen to you for examp: you get a very advanced unit every 10 seconds, you will kill 1 of your enemies creatures once every 20 seconds, you deplete your enemies mana by 20 every some seconds...
artifacts have very man good spells, hard part is: you gotta prevent your enemies from kill the artifact(building)
I don't feel like typing anymore