Crazy Demon
I dreamed I was an Overmind once. That was totally awesome. I just would sit around all day, commanding my huge Zerg forces all over the galaxcy, invading planets and gaining more and more territory. I could get all my little funny celebrates to do stuff, or I could get my zerglings do tricks, for entertainment. Or I could attack someone like TongaMonga, cause he keeps mindcontroling my greatest warriors. After awhile, I'll bring him down with my mass numbers
. Or maybe, I'll just cruise around in space, flying like a comet(remeber the last Zerg cinematic in Original). Or maybe I'll just watch Static ride around on one of my Zerglings, laughing my head off(can an Overmind laugh, and does it even have a head?). Anyone, life would be bliss if I was an Overmind(until Zeratul and his DT's go and kill me
(PS. DeadPeasant, I doubt you have two accounts. It says in your sig, that everything you say is a lie
(PS. DeadPeasant, I doubt you have two accounts. It says in your sig, that everything you say is a lie