Look at your dam posts before you post it man! I used to write JUST like that (No capitals after full stop and shit and the word 'and' after full stop)....when i was 10. Im not your english teacher but **** man! Also, STOP USING THAT ****ING CREEP HACK EXCUSE WHEN SOMEONE BAGS YOU OUT!
Thats really low picking on how someone types.
Your very statement is faulty to. And just because your 11, doesnt give you the right to pick on someones language, and relate it to your great level of ignorance a year earlier. In case if you havent found the mistake, its here.
I used to write JUST like that (No capitals after full stop and shit and the word 'and' after full stop)
The word "Just" is illeagal in a sentence, because it is capitalized in mid-sentence, and is not a proper noun.
Done with english? Good.
Im just curious, because of all the "n00b" calling around here, what was the real argument?
Archn sent apologies, they were accepted.
Whats the fight? This is just whos **** is bigger than whos.
Im not insulting Drakken, because how fast he can own me, and Nickolay, and Archn. Im not saying that im better than everyone else im just saying the rest of you who think you big, by calling other "n00bs," which has replaced the word "dumbass."