Wrestler Benoit found dead with family


Premium Member
May 19, 2003
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He crippler crossfacd his wife then sharpshooter his son before flying headbut off his roof for himself.

I'm an evil person.

hahahaahahah god i lol so hard from that..


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 7, 2004
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pan, i agree with roach to a certain extent.

the story lines ARE cheesy. they seem to belong in an amature environment. the way they talk and act is just so pathetic. they all have generic personalities. dumb brutes who have to settle things in the ring. the good guy always acts heroic e.g saves the girl. the bad guy always does bad things e.g insults audience. the characters in wwe is so pathetic its hard to watch without being embarassed for them

wrestling is too much of a show. not enough fighting. all the acrobatics and shit are great. it really is. but nevertheless it has a slower pace and loses its intensity very fast.

i feel like an elementary school kid when i watch WWE. k1, boxing, UFC etc so much more brutul and so much more heart pounding. you dont get heart pounding ing WWE cuz you know who wins is predetermined


Retired Staff
Nov 11, 2002
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London, United Kingdom
Oh dear. He was one of the few wrestlers who actually tried to put on effort to entertain the crowd other than using nudity, gimmicks and WWE Divas.



Bite my shiny metal ass!
Jun 15, 2003
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Russellville, AR
I'd never heard of this guy until this thread. Ever. Wrestling sucks.

My reasons, Mike? Okay.

1) Due to my own personal tastes, I find variants on martial arts to be more appealing to me as far as watching fights goes. I'll admit that wrestlers are some pretty amazing athletes, but I'd much rather watch Tony Jaa run across six guys' heads than John Cena (random wrestler name picked out of thin air for sake of example) smash somebody across the back with a chair. So reason number one is that the type of simulated combat isn't to my personal interest. Just for the record, the few UFC fights I've seen were completely badass, that can't really be considered wrestling.

2) The actual fighting itself is only a small facet of the wrestling phenomenon...trashtalking and "posturing" is probably the biggest part of the whole competition. It's more of a personality popularity contest than it is a brawl...and frankly I don't much give a shit about that sort of thing.

3) It's just too overhyped in my opinion. I'm not saying the public can't be right about something being good, such is the case with a lot of my favorite movies being a lot of other people's favorite movies...but I really get tired of seeing things over and over and over again on television, and watching these massive chunks of bipedal muscle on Subway commercials, or seeing loud and obnoxious adverts for upcoming matches just grates on my nerves. I mean, there are two predominant types of advertisements I absolutely loathe: wrestling promotions and car dealership spots. Both are loud, obnoxious, build a false sense of importance and value, and just irritate me.

The three above reasons are based solely on personal viewpoints, which is really all that anyone can use to judge things. Wrestling does have its value, it's not inherently "stupid..." but it's primarily a testosterone-driven form of entertainment, and a brutish one at that. I'm afraid it's just not really my cup o' tea, and I'd love to see you refute my arguments.


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