Originally posted by Induhvidual_1
according to the president at the time, it was necessary to save "american lives" or "lives in general.
I also think Hiroshima and Nagasaki was unnecessary especially the second atom bomb. The logic was patheitic, if we just stop to think, it'd go like this...
Okay we kill a bunch of people in order to stop the killing or "minimize" casualties.
but I think, it was all to scare Russia off and show off that the USA was capable to use to atomic bomb if necessary. Remember this, Russia was our ally in WWII but they were commies and the USA didn't like that. so the A bomb was really to scare off or show off some technology.
Keep this in mind, the only other country comparable to the size of USA is RUSSIa.
Some theoretical experts still believe that only Russia can still stand a slight chance against the USA if put in a War right now.
The first thing that comes to mind is this:
"Ignorance is bliss, and knowledge is power, so you can't be happy and powerful at the same time."
Nagasaki was unnecessary, but the bomb was dropped before "surrender" was recieved. Hiroshima was needed as a show "unrelenting" from us to the Japanese. The Japanese mindset has changed
significantly from WWII. In WWII they were willing to fight to the last man, woman, and child -- even in kamikaze strikes. What would you rather of had us do? Fight a war that wouldn't end until the Japanese exterminated themselves -- committing suicide rather than dieing, or offer an altimatum? Was it to show off to the Russions? I somewhat doubt it as FDR had, at least, somewhat of a repore with current USSR leaders (keep in mind that Russia and the USSR are technically different).
Russia doesn't stand a chance against
any army! They lost a ten year war in Afganistan for goodness sake! That's just a small example, though

They've also had next to no luck in sustaining their large "empire" that is
still crumbling due to their sudden leap from Socialism to Democracy. They were never Communist! To believe so is to not know what true Communism is! The only real threat to the US would be China, true. They, however, are more interested in quelling revolts in their country right now than anything else -- that and even they are afraid of what the US Armed Forces can really do.
Australia is the largest country in the world, and the only one that takes up an entire continent.
Russia is the second largest country in the world.
China is third largest.
India is the same size as the US.
Canada might even be the same size as the US (I'm not 100% sure).
If I'm correct, the US is actually the fifth largest nation in the world.
Saying Russia is the only country comperable to the US is size is showing a true lack of knowledge.