As i said it is Theroy's prob about what progs he uses, im glad to learn that such users are observed (i didnt rly know how they observe if it all).
I also respect Theroy for his high SOLO level and stats although i doubted if they were real since he uses progs but i still dont know if they are. Are those stats real wins Theroy? They arent the best and pro level 38 is on 100 wins lol Ive seen 130 wins lvl 40 , maybe im wrong to doubt, + this is Azeroth it is ordinary you to be one of the FEW (as 10% maybe) good players there.
You see being a PRO means you make such high lvls on so few games, you beat many very high levels, you play only vs such, your apm's 200+ (crazy moves, not just from select, you cant have a very high apm and be slooow believe me). Theroy is not pro tehrefore, im not pro, i just want to make ordinary stats as not more than 200 games for lvl 40 or to make lvl 40 easy enough (not talking about 130 wins lvl 40 or 16:0 smurf aka or so), and being a pro is a lot more than that. I think i dont want much from this game. It still takes a lot though.
Do you remember how i called myself good in one thread? hahah Definition of good is someone who has no problem reaching lvl 40 on less games than 300+, average counts the same lol, good player or very good is called someone who makes those crazy stats or pro, look im not even average, many of us are not. Sorry but think about those less skilled than me or Theroy... some are called newbs. Also when you are a lvl 45+ for example, for you those 20s are newbs, just like only the real amateurs are newbs for the 20s. Ive seen many good players saying:
'Level doesnt matter if you are below lvl 40, above 40 means something. Level 30-35-38 are done easily'. I guess it's not so easy for me, im not good ^^
Watching top players and using their strats always keeps me playing this game, but watching our biggest tournament bwcl - with top players such as Diesel, Jack, DIDI8, Shocker from World Elite We,Just vs 1 of them ive even played, (but didnt like the reps to show you, i played weak in mirror vs the 2nd best human in my country after Insomnia, -WE.Just.Shadowtaker), and all even not pro but still high levels and from who i learn also a LOT of tricks, thast why i watch all the reps, i learn a lot of tricks telling you, WATCH REPS nothing makes you know so many tricks, well so those reps just make me LOVE THIS GAME and play solo too.