Originally posted by Ryan
You ain't no asian.. sorry.
Unless of course you can prove to me over the forums that your dick is less than 2 inches long.
What type of Asian people are you talking about
Asians: Pakis, East Indians, Filipinos, Japanese, Chinese, Some Middle east people are considered asians too.
Have you seen Ron Jeremy's D ick. He's Asian (South Asian)
The filipino (Philippines) race is a mixed race. There's some black and spanish folk in that race too.
Originally posted by noob_phucker
The sad reality is that they keep him as a token "asian" guy on the show.
I thought they kept him on the show cuz, he looked funny when he sings. Not cuz "HE WAS THE ASIAN TOKEN GUY"
Is James Iha the "ASIAN TOKEN GUY" on the Smashing Pumpkins?
I guess, non-white people should feel privileged to be working or living in this country. This is according to some of you white folk, so correct me if i'm wrong.