There are several points in Metroid Prime and Echoes that you have to manually aim to kill the enemy =/ Sometimes auto-aim just plain won't work.
In anycase, this is to something said earlier. There is a LinuxGC out there. What you have to do is network a hard-drive using the GC's LAN connection (a $30 component that is on a rather long waiting list...aka: hard to get). You can do this in one of two ways. You can network a computer
directly to your GC
or you can network a NHDD (network hard-drive), either way with a swithbox or WAN switchbox/router.
The NHDD is the far more expensive route. The NHDD, alone, costs $4-500. It, however, will allow you (after the first use) to network the GC directly to the NHDD without a PC intermidiary. The PC is required for at least the first use in either method, so it's easiest to describe its use along with the NHDD.
Once the LAN is hooked up and LinuxGC (if it even still exists...), you'll have to 'install' the OS (Operating System) to the hard-drive (NHDD) or memory card (PC/Switch, 1Gb+ card). Now (before any idiots butt in), this uses the
concept that the WPP (Warp Pipe Project), in part or wholey, came up with. It uses the LAN adaptor to fool the GC into doing something it wasn't originally intent on doing.
As the GC has
no built in
permenant memory (beyond the calender and loaders), the external hard-drive has to be told how to use this networkable device. Using the memory card to store the OS requires that you use a computer everytime to 'boot up' this OS and use any installed programs or files. Using the NHDD only requires that the NHDD and switch be on and active.
Another trick is finding either a LAN or online game. I think there also has to be a certain glitch to exploit in the game... It's been a while since I did this (and I only did it once before deleting the don't ask me for it :xp I haven't had much luck searching for it, either. Then again...I'm infamous for 'losing' searches I've done sucessfully, before.). If I recall correctly, I used Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II and the NHDD method to install and boot LinuxGC.
Don't'cha love freeware and hackers for their ability to create things that weren't meant to be created? =/ In anycase, I have actually done this before... I just didn't find any use in it. XD Go fig, eh? When somebody begs the entire forums, it seems I'm the only one who recalled the exploit, and I can't direct any to it because I go and delete the requisite files and instructions. Heh. Maybe I'll actually go and keep stuff backed-up next time, eh?
might be able to find the OS, or is it a pseudo-OS?, somewhere.
FYI: It will void your warranty to alter your GC in any way, and that includes software!
Oh XD I can't believe you don't think there are mini-DVDR or mini-DVDRWs to buy
Here is a link for you