Why *I* think we invaded Iraq


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Mar 19, 2004
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That's bullshit. If the draft is reinstated I would probably go to Canada. Why the **** should I fight for something I don't believe in?
Actually, if they reinstate the draft, it will be nothing like it was before. Women can be drafted, you can't get out of the draft by going to Canada (some sort of agreement we made...), and you can't get out of it if you're in college. Sucks, doesn't it?

yea.... whatever ! Regaurdless of the situation, you should still serve your country! Everyone values their life but it seems to me your more of a ignorant/selfish coward!

the draft was brought around because we didnt have a sufficient amount of troops in then wars.... hell id be glad to have the draft right now.... it would give a chance for those who have been there for a long period of time to come back and see their family. But now we have reserves to be called upon instead of a draft. In my opinion there will never be another draft unless WWIII comes around.
Why should we serve in a war we don't believe in? Of course I'm selfish, but I'm not a coward. There are many things I would gladly die for, and my country is not one of them.

Regardless, I do think the draft is a good idea. If the only people who serve are the ones who do so willingly, there will be no complaints and no chance for reform. So in a sense I think we need the draft, even though I don't agree with it.

he skipped the UN rsolutions, and 12 inteligance agencys INCLUDING RUSSIAS, said he had WMD, attacked our allies, I could go on all day
And this gives us the right to attack? This is the first time the United States has attacked another country without them attacking us first. Like I said, it was terrible what was happening in Iraq, but we haven't made things any better, and none of the reasons you've given explain what gives us the right to kill innocent people.

We claim that Iraq has WMDs, chemical and biological weapons, etc. But if they do, why haven't we found any yet? Everything we claim to know about Iraq is based on assumptions.


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Nov 23, 2002
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cxoli said:
Why should we serve in a war we don't believe in? Of course I'm selfish, but I'm not a coward. There are many things I would gladly die for, and my country is not one of them.

And this gives us the right to attack? This is the first time the United States has attacked another country without them attacking us first. Like I said, it was terrible what was happening in Iraq, but we haven't made things any better, and none of the reasons you've given explain what gives us the right to kill innocent people.

We claim that Iraq has WMDs, chemical and biological weapons, etc. But if they do, why haven't we found any yet? Everything we claim to know about Iraq is based on assumptions.
ok so your not willing to fight for your country who gives you your freedom of choice, speech ,etc (all that fall under the bill of rights), and also gives your protection from other invading countries.....

we have made things better by taking sadam out..... and where in the hell are you getting innocent people from? they are dressed in their normal clothing shooting at us....duh thats a no brainer shoot first ask questions later. Innocent people die every day.... i wounder how many innocent people die in the us alone better yet.... a state or even a major city...

have we searched everywhere.... No! hell they could have transported them somwhere we dont know of so you cant really say they are not there....


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May 25, 2003
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JD your giving clinton too much credit, why did he sit back and let bad things happen in the world? bush did not trigger 9/11 which is what you ARE saying. regardless who was in office, it wouldve happened, and what would clinton have done? let all those lives left forgotten and say to osama "comon man we dont want to fight, peace man, peace!", osama wouldve thought, wow, america is run by pussies, lets do it again.

you **** with america your gonna be sorry, bush '04.

Weapons inspectors not only from the United States but from other countries as well found no evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and despite the fact that we've been in Iraq for months, we still haven't found any weapons.
Yeah we have.

but now that we've removed him from power, are the Iraqi civilians really any better off? I doubt it -- the country is in chaos, our soldiers have killed innocent people, and the people there seem to hate us.
I guess we should pull back our guys building an army, and government for Iraq cause they're ungrateful bastards huh? We should just leave them to die.

You weren't really sure what you were saying were you...


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Dec 23, 2003
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Lol. So terrorists can get everything in line and ready to go in 8 months?
All you need to do is get a couple of people with knives to pinch some planes and be able to fly them into a building.
he only moved to canada to dodge the draft....

8 months sounds about right
Guess who else is a doge drafter...
and Bush is a bad president with a good personal life :/
Not really, he has has had problems with drinking and shit, he has a bad personal life but that is ignored when he is a bad president and a ****ing dumbass.
yea.... whatever ! Regaurdless of the situation, you should still serve your country! Everyone values their life but it seems to me your more of a ignorant/selfish coward!
No, it just means you get scared. *repeats that bush is a draft doger and hid behind daddy most of his life*
ok so your not willing to fight for your country who gives you your freedom of choice, speech ,etc (all that fall under the bill of rights), and also gives your protection from other invading countries.....
Meh, again with the freedom bullshit, I hear it too often but the patriot act and a heck of a lot more laws makes U.S about as free as a prison.
have we searched everywhere.... No! hell they could have transported them somwhere we dont know of so you cant really say they are not there....
Easier said than done, Bush just went in thier with tons of false claims and bullshitted you all and you really think you will find weapons?
JD your giving clinton too much credit, why did he sit back and let bad things happen in the world?
Sit back? Rofl, jesus wept lots of bad things happen, too many has happened directly because of Bush clinton didn't do much wrong and Bush's solutions make things worse.
and what would clinton have done? let all those lives left forgotten and say to osama "comon man we dont want to fight, peace man, peace!", osama wouldve thought, wow, america is run by pussies, lets do it again.
You don't know what the **** would've happened but all of us actually base our arguments on previous situations that Bush ****ed up in not if's and shit.
Yeah we have.
Not the shit that Bush said were there, and I wouldn't be surpised if it came up in the news that he put a lot of weapons there, America sold Iraq a lot of weapons and were best buds.
I guess we should pull back our guys building an army, and government for Iraq cause they're ungrateful bastards huh? We should just leave them to die.
Better than shooting them? I should just quote myself from another thread and basically the arguments that you would've posted here would be void.


Nov 12, 2003
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Many of the terrorists responsible for 9/11 were already in the United States when Bush took office. And no, ORC, it isn't as simple as terrorists waking up one morning and deciding to grab a couple boxcutters and hijack some planes.. I hope you were kidding about that. Perhaps the reason why the terrorists attacked in '01 is because they had gotten away with it before with little problems. They had become bold and felt they were untouchable. Unfortunately for them(Taliban/Al-Quida), the new President wasnt about to play bullshit games and let them get away with it.

Everyone gives Bush and his "lies" too much credit. Dont forget we were also recieving reliable information from Russian and British Intelligence. The White House didnt just fabricate it all one day.

It's late, and I really dont feel like making a great big post here. >:O

Undead Cheese

Aug 3, 2003
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jd-inflames said:
Notice why all of this "bad" terrorist stuff didn't start hitting home till Bush was put in office...
9/11 had been in the planning stages for years, before Bush took office. It's not like this is the only time we've been affected by terrorism recently, either.

Here's a timeline illustrating all terrorist actions against the United States. Notice how the timeline doesn't start just after Bush was elected.


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Dec 23, 2003
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Ok, clinton serves 2 terms. January 20, 1993 to January 20, 2001. These are your terrorist actions during his terms:
January 31
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) terrorists kidnapped three U.S. missionaries. Sketchy information it's not hard to take 3 missionaries but to save them is.
February 26
World Trade Center in New York, USA, attacked by a massive bomb planted by Islamic terrorists. Doesn't even say if the plan worked
April 14
Iraqi intelligence service attempt to assassinate former US President, George Bush, during a visit to Kuwait. Meh saddam's govt try to kill his dad...

September 23
FARC rebels kidnapped U.S. citizen Thomas Hargrove in Colombia. How do you prevent every tourist from not bring victim to attack?

March 8
Two unidentified gunmen killed two U.S. diplomats and wounded a third in Karachi, Pakistan. Again in a country he couldn't control
July 4
In India, six foreigners, including two U.S. citizens, were taken hostage by Al-Faran, a Kashmiri separatist group. One non-U.S. hostage was later found beheaded. This is what is happening in Iraq, you are occupying the country, it wasn't a attack on the U.S it was jusr coincendential that they got a few people from America too.
August 21
Hamas claimed responsibility for the detonation of a bomb in Jerusalem that killed six and injured over 100 persons, including several U.S. citizens. Again, not a attack on the U.S and just caught of few U.S civilians.
September 13
A rocket-propelled grenade was fired through the window of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, as an apparent retaliation for U.S. strikes on Serb positions in Bosnia. In Moscow....
November 13
Seven foreigners, including a number of US servicemen, are killed in bomb attack on National Guard training centre at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Again very hard to prevent.
January 19
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) guerrillas kidnapped a U.S. citizen and demanded a $1 million ransom. The hostage was released on May 22. The hostage was released, inst that a good thing?
February 15
Unidentified assailants fired a rocket at the U.S. embassy compound in Athens, causing minor damage to three diplomatic vehicles and some surrounding buildings. It is believed to have been carried out by the 17 November group. In Athens...
February 16
Six alleged National Liberation Army (ELN) guerrillas kidnapped a U.S. citizen in Colombia. After 9 months, the hostage was released. Hostage was released, good thing.
June 25
Islamic radical terrorists opposed to the western military presence in the Gulf region, explode a truck bomb next to a USAF housing area at Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, killing 19 American servicemen and 385 injuring more.
November 1 ....
In Sudan, a breakaway group from the Sudanese People's Liberation Army (SPLA) kidnapped three International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) workers, including a U.S. citizen, an Australian, and a Kenyan. On December 9, the rebels released the hostages in exchange for ICRC supplies and a health survey for their camp. Hostages released.
December 11
Five armed men claiming to be members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) kidnapped and later killed a U.S. geologist at a methane gas exploration site in La Guajira Department. ....
December 17
Twenty-three members of the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA) took several hundred people hostage at a party given at the Japanese Ambassador's residence in Lima, Peru. Among the hostages were several U.S. officials, foreign ambassadors and other diplomats, Peruvian Government officials, and Japanese businessmen. The group demanded the release of all MRTA members in prison and safe passage for them and the hostage takers. The terrorists released most of the hostages in December but held 81 Peruvians and Japanese citizens for several months. Hostages released and it had barely anything to do with the U.S


February 14
Six armed Colombian guerrillas kidnapped a U.S. oil engineer and his Venezuelan pilot in Apure, Venezuela. The kidnappers released the Venezuelan pilot on Hostage released February 22. According to authorities, the FARC is responsible for the kidnapping.
February 23
A Palestinian gunman opened fire on tourists at an observation deck atop the Empire State Building in New York City, killing a Danish national and wounding visitors from the United States, Argentina, Switzerland, and France before turning the gun on himself. A handwritten note carried by the gunman claimed this was a punishment attack against the "enemies of Palestine." Ok, one person manages to get into America, he probally bought a gun there if Americans didn't allow civilians have guns there more chance of him getting cought.
February 24
National Liberation Army (ELN) guerrillas kidnapped a U.S. citizen employed by a Las Vegas gold corporation who was scouting a gold mining operation in Colombia. The ELN demanded a ransom of $2.5 million. Not much info, I guess hostage was released?
March 7
FARC guerrillas kidnapped a U.S. mining employee and his Colombian colleague who were searching for gold in Colombia. On November 16, the rebels released the two hostages after receiving a $50,000 ransom. Hostages released.
October 30
Al-Sha'if tribesmen kidnapped a U.S. businessman near Sanaa. The tribesmen sought the release of two fellow tribesmen who were arrested on smuggling charges and several public works projects they claim the government promised them. They released the hostage on November 27. Hostage released.
November 12
Two unidentified gunmen shot to death four U.S. auditors from Union Texas Petroleum Corporation and their Pakistani driver after they drove away from the Sheraton Hotel in Karachi. The Islami Inqilabi Council, or Islamic Revolutionary Council, claimed responsibility in a call to the U.S. Consulate in Karachi. In a letter to Pakistani newspapers, the Aimal Khufia Action Committee also claimed responsibility.


March 21-23
FARC rebels kidnapped a U.S. citizen in Sabaneta, Colombia. FARC members also killed three persons, wounded 14, and kidnapped at least 27 others at a roadblock near Bogota. Four U.S. citizens and one Italian were among those kidnapped, as well as the acting president of the National Electoral Council (CNE) and his wife. Only four U.S citizens? Out of 27 how do you class that as a attack on the U.S, again no end result shown.
August 7
US Embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar-es-Salem, Tanzania, heavily damaged by massive bomb attacks. US intelligence blames Islamic groups linked to Saudi dissident Osama Bin Laden.Some buildings damaged in different countries.
November 15
Armed assailants followed a U.S. businessman and his family home in Cundinamarca Department and kidnapped his 11-year-old son after stealing money, jewelry, one automobile, and two cell phones. The kidnappers demanded $1 million in ransom. On January 21, 1999, the kidnappers released the boy.
December 28 Hostage released.
Yemini militants kidnap a group of western tourists, including 12 Britons, 2 Americans, and 2 Australians on the main road to Aden. Four victims were killed during a rescue attempt the next day. A attempt to rescue, 14 people not even American.

February 25
FARC kidnapped three U.S. citizens working for the Hawaii-based Pacific Cultural Conservancy International. On March 4, the bodies of the three victims were found in Venezuela.
March 1
150 armed Hutu rebels attacked three tourist camps in Uganda, killed four Ugandans, and abducted three U.S. citizens, six Britons, three New Zealanders, two Danish citizens, one Australian, and one Canadian national. Two of the U.S. citizens and six of the other hostages were subsequently killed by their abductors. How many times have things like this happened in Iraq.
March 23
Armed guerrillas kidnapped a U.S. citizen in Boyaca, Colombia. The National Liberation Army (ELN) claimed responsibility and demanded $400,000 ransom. On July 20, ELN rebels released the hostage unharmed following a ransom payment of $48,000. Hostage released.
May 30
In Cali, Colombia, armed ELN militants attacked a church in the neighborhood of Ciudad Jardin, kidnapping 160 persons, including six U.S. citizens and one French national. The rebels released approximately 80 persons, including three U.S. citizens, later that day. Hostages released.
June 27
In Port Harcourt, Nigeria, armed youths stormed a Shell oil platform, kidnapping one U.S. citizen, one Nigerian national, and one Australian citizen, and causing undetermined damage. A group calling itself "Enough is Enough in the Niger River" claimed responsibility. The end result not been displayed.
August 4
An Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (AFRC) faction kidnapped 33 UN representatives near Occra Hills, Sierra Leone. The hostages included one U.S. citizen, five British soldiers, one Canadian citizen, one representative from Ghana, one military officer from Russia, one officer from Kyrgyzstan, one officer from Zambia, one officer from Malaysia, a local Bishop, two UN officials, two local journalists, and 16 Sierra Leonean nationals. No end result displayed.
To be continued.


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Dec 23, 2003
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Sorry, post too long.
August 4
An Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (AFRC) faction kidnapped 33 UN representatives near Occra Hills, Sierra Leone. The hostages included one U.S. citizen, five British soldiers, one Canadian citizen, one representative from Ghana, one military officer from Russia, one officer from Kyrgyzstan, one officer from Zambia, one officer from Malaysia, a local Bishop, two UN officials, two local journalists, and 16 Sierra Leonean nationals. No end result displayed.
December 23
Colombian People's Liberation Army (PLA) forces kidnapped a U.S. citizen in an unsuccessful ransom effort.
Unsuccessful, should I assume that he was stopped.
June 27
In Bogota, Colombia, ELN militants kidnapped a 5-year-old U.S. citizen and his Colombian mother, demanding an undisclosed ransom.
August 12
In the Kara-Su Valley, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan took four U.S. citizens hostage. The Americans escaped on August 12.
October 12
In Sucumbios Province, Ecuador, a group of armed kidnappers led by former members of defunct Colombian terrorist organization the Popular Liberation Army (EPL), took hostage 10 employees of Spanish energy consortium REPSOL. Those kidnapped included five U.S. citizens, one Argentine, one Chilean, one New Zealander, and two French pilots who escaped 4 days later. On January 30, 2001, the kidnappers murdered American hostage Ronald Sander. The remaining hostages were released on February 23 following the payment of $13 million in ransom by the oil companies.Hostages released.
October 12
In Aden, Yemen, a small dingy carrying explosives rammed the destroyer U.S.S. Cole, killing 17 sailors and injuring 39 others. Supporters of Usama Bin Ladin were suspected. Again hard to prevent
December 30
A bomb exploded in a plaza across the street from the U.S. embassy in Manila, injuring nine persons. The Moro Islamic Liberation Front is allegedly responsible.
A lot of these were out side the country and unpreventable, LOTs of U.S hostages were saved and it wasn't a case a planes flying for hours and warnings given to Bush prior the even and a good airforce not being bothered to intercept the planes.


Nov 12, 2003
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Airforce intercepting planes? How would that work exactly?

And do you honestly, with all of your heart, believe that Bush and his administration knew exactly what would happen and the exact time it would happen? You really believe that they knew on the morning of September 11, 2001, four civilian airplanes would be hijacked and flown into random locations across the East coast? And you believe that all evidence of this exact evidence was destroyed without any trace?

If you do not believe there was EXACT evidence, than stop saying that Bush let it happen. You cannot stop something like this with absurd reports and vague rumors.


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Look if you have a very responsive airforce and they don't even bother taking off, they knew something was wrong but Bush was too busy posing for newspapers, CIA warned him about the threat but he did jack shit.

Undead Cheese

Aug 3, 2003
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1993 World Trade Center bombing: Whether or not it was successful should be common knowledge. If you don't know the answer, too bad for you.
1998 Embassy bombings: You obviously don't know what an embassy is...


Like my cute wabbit?
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I know what a embassy is, it's just that he had less control of what happened in another country than in America ok? Because obviously he didn't completely control the countries the embassies were in, do not call me stupid.

Undead Cheese

Aug 3, 2003
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Quote me where I said, "OGM YOU TEH STOOPID!1!!"

All I'm saying is that terrorist attacks didn't just start happening after Bush took office. 9/11 had been in the planning stages for years before Bush got into office.


Nov 12, 2003
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ORC-r0x0r-RO tC said:
hey knew something was wrong but Bush was too busy posing for newspapers, CIA warned him about the threat but he did jack shit.

Please, share with me this quote that you have from the CIA.
You must have obviously seen it to know that Bush knew 9/11 would happen and did nothing. I would like to see it for myself. Please?


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Oct 27, 2002
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Lights said:
Please, share with me this quote that you have from the CIA.
You must have obviously seen it to know that Bush knew 9/11 would happen and did nothing. I would like to see it for myself. Please?
your hero George W. Bush did nothing to stop the planes, he was too busy saving his own ass.

"Cheney told the commission that Bush, who was aboard Air Force One after the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks, had "signed off on the concept" of shooting down any more hijacked planes. But the report found that conversation did not occur until 10:10 a.m. -- by which time all four planes had crashed."

cnn.. the U.S. bible says it, so it must be true


Nov 12, 2003
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Kamikaze said:
your hero George W. Bush did nothing to stop the planes, he was too busy saving his own ass.

"Cheney told the commission that Bush, who was aboard Air Force One after the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks, had "signed off on the concept" of shooting down any more hijacked planes. But the report found that conversation did not occur until 10:10 a.m. -- by which time all four planes had crashed."

cnn.. the U.S. bible says it, so it must be true

My hero? Nah, he's my president. That title earns respect.

Great article, except it answers litterally nothing. Shoot down planes? PLEASE! Could you imagine the uproar if Bush had ordered the Airforce to shoot down our own civilian planes? He would be sitting on his ranch right now, impeached. Not to mention we are speaking about pre-9/11. Back then, we wouldnt shoot an American Airlines plane down because it went off course. Even after the first plane hit, does that grant shooting down every other plane that comes anywhere near NYC? Not to mention the other two planes which were hundreds of miles away. So do you suggest shooting down all planes that venture within 50 miles of a big building?

What exactly were you expecting the President to do? Strip off his suit and bear his Superman tights and fly to New York? Or immediately stop what he was doing, showing himself to be a frightened little girl? Whether you like it or not there is politics involved in this. Had he ran from where he was, screaming and crying, it would have made the terrorists that much more succesful. How would you suggest he should have stopped the other two planes? How could he even know they were going to crash as well?

It blows my mind how you people can say that he "didnt do anything." WHAT THE **** COULD HE OR GORE HAVE DONE? Next you will say if some local gang takes over my high school and slaughters all of us, than it was the presidents fault. Was the Russian school Putins fault?


Sep 18, 2003
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Something I haven't seen mentioned yet is that this attack was planned during the time of a regime change in the U.S. This of course would be a time of weakness. So any big plans would be more likely to succed at this time.

The attack happening isn't the point, what happened afterwards is. America attacked Afghanistan, and most would argue justifiably. We had the world support, and at this time countries around the world were raiding terrorist cells.

We had the worlds sympathy, while there was very little for our enemy.

We then attacked Iraq. Not immediatly, but after a while it became obvious that our government (the american government) and it's president was going to attack no matter if we were going to be supported or not. This pissed off a lot of people including many of our allies. But of course a country likes a president that wins wars.

Unfortunately things have gotten messy. The government has violated the rules imposed by the Geneva convention. Now instead of a uniformed military we have an enemy that looks just like civilians. This will stay a messy conflict unless something changes drastically. We need to find someone popular in Iraq, tolerable for the U.S., and Iraqi to put our weight behind.

This war with Iraq has nothing to do with Afghanistan of which I haven't heard anything of in months.


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May 25, 2003
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ORC-r0x0r-ROC, your just like any other Bush Basher, saying anything to not get him re-elected, bush gave weapons of mass destruction and chemical weapons to Iraq then claimed saddam made them? wow, quite and imagination you have there.

yeah, clinton did sit back, he was always afraid to go to war, bush finally got shit done and is cleaning up after clinton. your just assuming bush is another terrorists, giving iraq weapons then using that as a reason to attack them, please.


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Oct 27, 2002
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My hero? Nah, he's my president. That title earns respect.

actions earn my respect, not titles. if all it takes to impress you is a title in front of someones name i bet i know what else you'd like, some nice shiny rocks.:)

Great article, except it answers litterally nothing.

i guess it depends on your ability to get your finger out of your nose long enough to read and comprehend the article:D

Shoot down planes? PLEASE! Could you imagine the uproar if Bush had ordered the Airforce to shoot down our own civilian planes? He would be sitting on his ranch right now, impeached.

you know it really is hard for me to imagine Bush taking responsibility for anything.

Not to mention we are speaking about pre-9/11. Back then, we wouldnt shoot an American Airlines plane down because it went off course. Even after the first plane hit, does that grant shooting down every other plane that comes anywhere near NYC? Not to mention the other two planes which were hundreds of miles away. So do you suggest shooting down all planes that venture within 50 miles of a big building?

no, i expect them to contact the planes and ask them to get back on course... if they don't then you know they are terrorists. didn't think of that did you Corky... thats why they pay me the big bucks:D

Had he ran from where he was, screaming and crying, it would have made the terrorists that much more succesful. How would you suggest he should have stopped the other two planes? How could he even know they were going to crash as well?

ummm... he did run. he ran like a little ****ing schoolgirl :D

It blows my mind how you people can say that he "didnt do anything."

it bows my mind how you can say he did do something other than run away and hide.


how about making a decision before all the planes had crashed... that would have been nice

Next you will say if some local gang takes over my high school and slaughters all of us, than it was the presidents fault. Was the Russian school Putins fault?

if the government goes into hiding and only makes a decision after all of you have been killed, then yes i would blame them


Nov 12, 2003
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actions earn my respect, not titles. if all it takes to impress you is a title in front of someones name i bet i know what else you'd like, some nice shiny rocks.:)

You should respect your teacher or your parents for what they are. That doesnt mean you have to like them or agree with everything they say. Same goes for the president's title. That position means a certain amount of respect, which I give.

i guess it depends on your ability to get your finger out of your nose long enough to read and comprehend the article:D

Right. Any other attempts?

you know it really is hard for me to imagine Bush taking responsibility for anything.

Of course it is, you are opinionated to a point where you cannot accept anything he says, does, or suggests. Dont you love political close-mindedness?

no, i expect them to contact the planes and ask them to get back on course... if they don't then you know they are terrorists. didn't think of that did you Corky... thats why they pay me the big bucks:D

Erm..no? Ever heard of technical difficulties? So if we suddenly lose contact with a ship out on the ocean, we give 5 minutes and then send a missile out to it? What about if a school's phones go out? Do we wait for a few seconds and if we cant get an answer we blow it to Hell?

Not the greatest idea there, Chief.

ummm... he did run. he ran like a little ****ing schoolgirl :D

Once again, no.

it bows my mind how you can say he did do something other than run away and hide.

Do.. what? Jump into his time machine and go back before the planes hit?
The errors in the system were already there since Clinton's era. Remember this attack happened rather quickly after Bush took office, not really enough time after to be "his fault." Believe it or not, the fault actually lies with Al-Qaeda!

how about making a decision before all the planes had crashed... that would have been nice

Hmm.. again I ask of the public what this mysterious "decision" is.
He was at a school in Florida, reading to little kids, when the news was told to him. At this point the other planes are already in the air flying to their destination (remember that we dont know which planes are hijacked except the ones already hit), which is totally unknown. I've already explained to you why shooting down the planes wasnt an option, so what should he have done?

if the government goes into hiding and only makes a decision after all of you have been killed, then yes i would blame them

And so we have the 'decision' again, great.
Im guessing you would suggest that we blow up the school just to make sure, yes?

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