Who else has hacked before?


is ....listed
May 24, 2003
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I don't hack but I don't really mind that much when people do. If I get beat by a hacker so what? Just another loss...
I feel your pain. Same goes for me I'd just rather lose fairly.

5. Abstaining from drink and drugs that cloud the mind. The positive counterpart of this precept is mindfulness, or awareness. Mindfulness is a fundamental quality to be developed the Buddha's path, and experience shows that taking intoxicating drink or drugs tends to run directly counter to this.
That being from the 'Three fold way,' (Ethics, Meditation, Wisdom.) Though that 'statue' of Buddha could be smoking marijuana and such, it looks like a cigarette to me which doesn't cloud the mind or intoxicate.

A real Buddhist doesn't follow Buddha, idols/icons/statues of him, or pictures of him. They follow his teachings. Don't be bothered by a picture thats not offensive as is. Only way it 'might' be offensive is if you're one of the Buddhists that worship him as a God.

becamed more powerfull human beeing even he defeat gods. just by meditating

This makes no sense..I don't recall Buddha fighting any 'gods.' If anything is offensive its you disgracing other religions through your weak view on real Buddhism.

Also, A Buddhist tradition, if I recall correctly, influences tolerance of differences. Maybe you need to learn to tolerate N_'s different point of view than you.

Besides..Only I can tell N what to do, right? <3


Premium Member
Jan 19, 2004
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let me say then ur a buddhist ,just for say that im a budhhist.
u don't know what is buddhist then u just say to others im a buddhist.
we don't care any other religions made photos for jesus or some one else
but i don't support a image like it that don't respect the founder of budhhism.

if u r a real buddhist stop showing shit images.

budhha sayed 5 things to follow to a normal life person
and the 5th thing is.
don't use alchohol and don't smoke etc..
and u show a picture that buddha smoke and u call ur self ur a buddhist and u find it funny.

i tell u if ur not folowing buddhism u can't call ur self im a buddhist.
sorry buddy, but that doesnt cut it, even when I AM a buddhist, doesnt mean Im big fan of them, I just visit temples with my grandparents when I can, pray there, and eat lunches with buddhist monks. No, you cant tell me anything at all, I have free wills, I can put up any pictures, and hold on a sec, were there smokes in time of Budhha? (bah I cant even spell) And wth is point in religion where you can just make fun of other people such as Jesus but you cant make mock your own founder? Thats just like mocking another religion, which IM SURE is wrong.

<3 Jen, I am your humble servant =)

and if you dont understand, thats how its supposed to be.


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
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Temple Prime, Sarajevo
warcraft3_hacker said:
let me say then ur a buddhist ,just for say that im a budhhist.
u don't know what is buddhist then u just say to others im a buddhist.
we don't care any other religions made photos for jesus or some one else
but i don't support a image like it that don't respect the founder of budhhism.

if u r a real buddhist stop showing shit images.

budhha sayed 5 things to follow to a normal life person
and the 5th thing is.
don't use alchohol and don't smoke etc..
and u show a picture that buddha smoke and u call ur self ur a buddhist and u find it funny.

i tell u if ur not folowing buddhism u can't call ur self im a buddhist.
Listen, you can post about how bad hacking is on Warcraft III or you can get your ass onto the Asylum and complain; see if anyone cares.

dont make me puke my guts out, internet sources are the heapest piece of trash for finding information for essays and other information. GO BOOKS!

The only hacking I ever did was Maphack in Diablo 2 and Ally Alert in Starcraft. Warcraft III I dont want to lose my ladder capabilities, I am lvl 24 and starting from scratch or losing my priviledges would piss me off.


The only hack I have ever used is the Name Spoofer... it is awesome.. Too bad it only works for custom games, though

BTW- has anybody ever gotten the Name Spoofer Pro to work?


Aug 6, 2003
Reaction score
i use the namespoofer all the time :)

Namespoofer never worked ;)

btw: forged is a hacker.. he is activ member in the blizzhackers forums .. in the hack section :O


May 19, 2003
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@leukos on Discord
Orc owns UD, in a heartbeat. Human has a 60% chance win against UD just because UD depends on DK and Destroyers like a crutch. Considering that the DK has only enough mana to cast Coil so many times leaves you wondering whether to kill that sorceress or heal your units. You will lose the mana war against an AM so you NEED destroyers to counter magic. Considering that you need tier 3 AND research AND shop for destroyers, it gives human PLENTY of time to come in with a handful of rifleman and casters to whomp on your army, and if they have mortars = gee gee towers+base


New Member
Oct 31, 2004
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lol i used tons of hacks for diablo make hack and dupe hack and for starcraft map hack and wc3 too. but now there busting our balls for maphacks and are more strick about it. damn corporate fat cats


Guy with Most Posts on Quiet Board.
May 20, 2003
Reaction score
Temple Prime, Sarajevo
HammerOfThor said:
The only hack I have ever used is the Name Spoofer... it is awesome.. Too bad it only works for custom games, though

BTW- has anybody ever gotten the Name Spoofer Pro to work?

Yeah but I am not a fan of name spoofer, colorful names just dont really affect me.

warcraft3_hacker said:
N_ baout ur avater im a real budhist and it hearts to me see a picture that shows
lord buddah is smoking plz reomve it.
buddha isn't a god he's just a man like us but he disovered the existance of evryithing live and he becamed more powerfull human beeing even he defeat gods. just by meditating.
Learn to spell!!!! You also completely forgot that Buddha was the first to obtain enlightenment, he DIDNT defeat gods, and stop taking crap so seriously.

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