Hmm.... I will have to wait on a vote.... i think that all races had equal upgrades. Medics are awesome... 'nuff said. No one uses Optic flare, and i dont know why. It cancels out all detection ability, besides reducing vision radius to 1. If you get attacked by zerg, OF their overlords, and you can get them with cloaked wraiths. Its a little tougher V.S. Toss though, because you have to detect the Obs' first to OF them. Restoration is kinda dumb tho, its not like your gonna have a ton of medics ready to heal your BC's and stuff if they get plagued or ensnared. Might be useful against acid spores too. Well, maybe you would use it on bc's because they cost so much, but nothing else. I've never used Valkyries much, other than in Diablo 2
. If they are as good as some of you say they are, maybe i will have to reconsider. As for Protoss, 'Sairs can own only in a massive group, because of the huge splash radius. Plus they are quick to build and don't cost much, and only take 2 Psi. Disruption web is oodles and oodles of fun too. not only good against base defense, it is good against reavers. They too slow to move out of it. Dark Archons are also tons of fun. I usually have a group of 10 or so waiting in my base, ready with MC in case a newb should try carriers or BC's against me. Why build them when you can get them free, huh? Maelstrom is nice, but it doesn't quite last long enough. On the other hand, i think lockdown lasts too long. Feedback ownz BC's if they have full energy. It costs so little too, that you can use it left and right. DT's are fun, but quite weak. They don't take much of a beating once detected. As for zerg... hm.... lurkers can be a pain in the ass, even vs m&m, especially if you don't have detection. Once detected though they are sitting ducks. Devourers are nice, but their rate of fire severely lacks. Does anyone know if BC for say has 9 acid spores on it, is it's defense lowered -9, even below zero, or is it just lowered to its minimum (i think it is 2 or 3). But the reduced rate of fire is awesome, especially vs corsairs and valkyries. Anyway, that was a lot to type. Peace.