Whats your Strangest First Date?


Retired Staff
May 30, 2003
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Humble, Texas
my strangest one:

I went to my friends house for the first time and we were hanging out, and this girl (her names Jasmine) comes over and talks to him and whatnot, i say hi and stuff (she was cute so i worked my "first impression method" on her ya know :D) and when she leaves hes like "dude...shes so ****in hot" and im like "your right" well i stay the night over there, adn the next mornign shes back over (her and my friend were friends, and hung out, he liked her but she didnt like him at the time) she comes over and's like "hey justin (my friend) im throwing a party tomorow night, u 2 wanna come?" naturally we say ya. (o btw it was halloween night that the party was gunna be on) we go over there halloween night (the party turned out to be me, justin, jasmine, and her friend)and ,say our hi's n crap, her parents leave and then we get ready to watch a movie, were gunna watch IT, i sit on the couch, and she sits next to me (justin looks at me, hes pissed cause he had a -huge- crush on her for a long time and thought hed get some tonight) he puts the movie in and accidently hits the power button on the vcr, turning it off. well turns out her dad was watchign the porn station so all of a sudden theres this chick going down on a guy, i mean right as she was bending down. we start laughing horribly and justins all like "hey jasmine, that gives me some ideas" and whatnot. well we settle down and watch the movie, and she starts biting on my neck, and then justin squeezes in the couch with us with it being Me|Jasmine|Justin from left to right (sittin on the couch from left to right) well she doesnt care about him doin that (its obvious hes tryin to ruin the mood, but its all good we do this to each other all th etime, its a game we play kinda) and she stops. well justin and her are good friends and always goof around so he starts rubbing her leg (i didnt know that at the time) and i go make my move. im kissing on her neck and shes sitting there letting me, and i run my hand up her leg.she kinda slows down like she just realized something. (shes wearing a skirt) i reach up and slide my hand up bit by bit and BAM, my hand meets justins, im like "...WTF!?!" and i get up and pull him up, hes laughign and running and shes like "...i thought that was ur hand" and hes yelling "DAMNIT MAN I ALMOST GOT TO IT WHYD YOU STOP ME" while hes running.

well that night kinda goes downhill from there... leme put it this way:

X = " likes"
V= "doesnt like"

Jasmine X Me
I X jasmine
Justin X Jasmine
Jasmines friend X Justin
Justin V jasmines friend
jasmine V justin

or... lets put it this way, justin wants the girl that doesnt want him, and she wants me, so hes tryin to stop my game so he can get in, and jasmines friend is sitting there humping justins leg tryin to get his attention the whole night, its very amusing.


Dec 26, 2002
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Get over it over with and have a Foursome. Every one wins. Jasmine might be a lil sore the next day.... but hey thats life.
Best line I ever had a girl say to me on a 1st day.

"So do you want to get lucky?" -Jenny
"Yes ma'am" -VC

-Vegeta Clam


Jun 8, 2003
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I didn't getl lost while reading it, I completely understand. I would post something like that, but I don't have any experiences like that.

That's funny though man, he should just go for what he can get.


May 18, 2003
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My strangest date(not first) was on Valentine's Day.
It was originally Me and my Gf.
Then it went to Me and my Gf and my Gf's friend.
Then it went to Me and my Gf and my Gf's friend and my Gf's friend's boyfriend.
Then it went to Me and my Gf and my Gf's friend and my Gf's friend's boyfriend and my Gf's friend's boyfriend's friend.
Me and my Gf were accompanied by 3 other people. So the date sucked... and went downhill...
But shopping with my Gf at Victoria Secret was ...:)

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