I have no clue what I am. I was raised Christain, but once I was smart enough to notice that it was all a lie at around 11 years old, I became Athetist, but my friends and my dad call me Pagan... I don't really know the def of Pagan, since there isn't one (therr are around 18 i could find)
- I believe that there is no god/supreme diety
- I believe in reincarnation
- I believe in hell
- I feel that there is no heaven, but an end to existance in its place; that is the true meaning of life, isn't it?
- I believe in evolution, and Darwin's teachings
- I do not practice/believe satanism/etc
- I treat Friday the 13th as a holiday
- I believe in an entiny (sp?) that overlooks and maintains an even balance of good and evil. This entiny takes no form, or visual image, nor appearances to the worlds, but does NOT rule/etc as people see god as doing. It is called Science, the ultimate scale. Nuff said.
- I believe in science, and prooven facts. Religions are all fake, and it is a prooven fact. The bible had been passed on for thousands or so of years, as a fable, told in many ways, changed, forged, etc. I believe Jesus existed, but was not as important as the Christains take him to be. I believe he was important though, since anyone who made that much of a difference thousands of years after his death without inventing anything or doing anything useful, is worthy of about anything.
I guess I am my own little one-man-cult... Anyone wanna join?