Originally posted by foolz
To the person who likes 12 Monkeys, I watched that movie 3 times, and never got a clue on what happens in it.. what was the main point of it?
James Cole is being sent back and forth through time (time travel is very unreliable and you can end up in any time period) to stop the 12 monkey army, who was responsible for unleashing a deadly virus that decimated the human race. he was a small boy when the virus was unleashed and that is why he is chosen to go back, because he was present at the time the virus was released.
**************spoiler alert****************
James is inadvertently responsible for the creation of the 12 monkey army which turns out to be just an animal liberation group.
the real person responsible is one of the scientist who was a colleague of the 12 monkeys leaders father (sounds complicated, but it's really not if you've seen the movie). the leader of the 12 monkeys was releasing animals to get back at his father who was doing tests on animals with viruses.
James has been haunted by a dream where he keeps seeing a man being gunned down and at the end of the movie he as a child ends up seeing himself as an adult being killed which is the memory which has been haunting him his whole life.
also at the end of the movie you see the man responsible for the virus sitting down in a plane next to a younger version of one of the people who sent James back in time...which doesn't really have much to do with anything, i just thought it was interesting