How can you people not mention Record of Loddoss War once?! ugh! I'm almost disgusted to see that you all call eachother anime lovers but not mention RLW =[[. As for Akira, terrible DVD, spectacular VHS, one of the best anime MOVIES *hint hint* not a series. G Gundam ownz all ^_^ Domo is my hero (V). Vampire Hunter D was ownage, i saw it for the first time a \/ few weekends ago. DBZ is totally gay, why watch a series when it takes a whole freakin episode for him to "Charge" up, then the next they talk, then the next they fight, bad guy wins and they need a new hero *Homo Alert*. Eva = God ^_^ Kenshin ain't bad, i'd like it more if more of it came to the U.S. maybe even michigan? Any movies based on a game isn't that great I.E. Street Fighter, FF, Fatal Fury.

Bebop is one of the worst animes i've ever seen, i don't care about any critism you throw at me for it, it's just flat out terrible

Anyone ever see Iria? wow, amazing short series, if you haven't seen it pick it up, you can't beat having a computerized human brain thing on your arm named "Bob" lolz. Princess Monoke is also a great to mention, i loved every minute of it. Hmm, I'm drawing a blank right now, i need to go release more of my acids into the toilet for i am sick! =p