first Bound i ever played was
Ice Bound. I was realy freaken on it.
Then comes the gallery of snowbounds.
i spend so much time in bounds. After came
Britney Bound and other fakes but
Britney Bound was my favourite.
there i met
mr.universum he was realy good in bounds. he was my first long bnet friend.

we played till 5a.m.
Britney Bound gave me the right kick to make bounds. Also
i took
Britney Bound. an tried to change some explosions.
Finally this bound had 8 lvls.and 4extra lvls.
i called it
Britney Bound(°_°

(many bugs but very funny).
Then i tried to make my first own Bound (called
Dj Ötzi Bound )
Then i made my first
Blutwurst Bound (12lvl). this bound was very hard but made fun. there i met
Cerebralchain a very very very weired bound player. he made nearly all lvls

(that fett pattar)

Then comes
Blutwurst Bound 2 (10lvls)(not so popular cuz of 3th lvls to hard) This bound tooks me just 6hours

thats why this bound is so unpopular.
Cerebralchain was very popular cuz of perfect bounding like
chino.kid[xl] and
mr.universum .
Then came Galaxee Bound by
Cerebralchain. i liked to play this bound cuz of the same kind like britney and Blutwurst B.There i met
-==Skull==- a good melee gamer friend and Bounder
All these Bounds inspiered me to make a bound with all levels.
Weißwurst Bound (Seb.2002)
(This Bound was very Populary cuz of the new idea (the father of
LVL up Bound [
Mp(U) ] and
Iceshared Bound [

Then cames Shitty bound by
Cerebralchain. with cool ideas.
Then i made
Extrawurst Bound with
(50lvls). Chino s and Cere s special

. Then i met
Artanis.comic who made Another Bound.
After that time i went to usa server there i met
hydrakon(U) and Archntaghardcpu (
Archn(U) ). very populary names in usa.
hydrakon(U) showed me the mapmaker channel -->
clan opz(U)
Couple of months later
LVL up Bound came out.(
(100lvls) by
Mp(U) ) very very very Popular map.
Cerebralchain is the master in this bound.
times gone...
i just finished
Blutwurst Bound3 (100lvls)
today excist more then 1000 bounds