it needs to be like the wc3 editor a little bit-like being able to customize unit abilities-but only certain abilities for cetain one. if u had a army of marines all cloaked with a yamato gun-beleive it or not-that would lag the game too badly. thats why a lot of wc3 maps lag-u have too manny diff units with bizarre skills. i mena like giving a BC cloak wouldnt be too bad or maybe give seige tanks longer range and maybe be able to give marines something like a grenade. BUT u should be able to alter techniqyues liek in wc3-liek this
on wc3 to make a custom ability u have to select a first ability-like chain lighting meaning ur skill will hit all enemy units.
then u can tell it instaed of doing damage but to add the effects of like, maybe, doom (all 8 enemies will be manifested for a demon)
a starcraft example would be like giving a marine a plague. it would target like plague and u could alter it to do the attack of a seiged tanked. u can even alter the icaon instaed of it being this liquid thing it could have the lockdown interface icon.
get what im saying? they need to add more freedom to the editors but not so much freedom like they did in wc3.