What was d2 like before it came too a downfall?


BattleForums Senior Member
Jan 3, 2005
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ppl that bitch about the patches suck.. They just omg. this patch sucks im not playing anymore cuz they are mad becasuse they suck.


May 26, 2003
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It was like the Twin Towers...no wait that wasn't a downfall, just a fall down.


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Dec 15, 2005
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DragnMatterBlade said:
in 1.09 (before the 1.10 downfall) i was in classic, so these views are all from a Classic POV.

1. most popular characters pvp wise was bowazon, cold sorc, and ww barb, most popular pvm char was bowazon xcept for rushing, in which case it was sorc.

2. the most popular necro around was a blood golem and iron maiden necro. there was a glitch in 1.09 where if you IM'd an enemy and had blood golem, since the enemy would be IM'd and deal damage to himself and the golem had leech, when the monster hit the golem it leached the IM damage back into health, basically making your necro invinsible. in turn, there were different veriations to this character, alot of people would go with Revives, skeles wernt popular cause they died way to easy, others saved tehre stats and maxed out things llike bone armor or teeth, and there were a fwe that would go ahead and make a poison necro. all had the IM blood golem though.

3. Nova sorces were fun cowers, they could own cows pretty well, but i always argued that it wasnt much faster (if any) than a orb sorc.

4. not sure what a hexomancer is

5. if you had a barb, you were ww, if you wernt ww, you were laughed at. granted, me and a friend made frenzy babas to have fun, that ****er would FLY. there were 2 main different types of barbs, regular barbs, and speed barbs, regular barbs had loads of damage, but were normal speed, speed barbs had the increased speed skill pumped into, sometimes maxed, sometimes not, depended on the builder, these guys were built for zons in pvp mainly. my frenzy barb had frenzy and spee dmaxed, so when he got his frenzy all the way up, he was like a bullet. so fast that mh wasnt able to load the red x's to tell me where monsters were, id see them before the map revealed them.

6. my favorite build was my pvp zon, i loved to duel, and there wasnt but a handful of peoplt that could give me and my friends a good challenge. we loved to 4on4 people, and rarely lost. i still have a mule of the "top team duelers in useast classic"'s ears, team i-ii.

7. back in 1.09, hammerdins were shit. no one EVER used the hammer skill. zealers were so-so, there were some but not that popular, most pallys were sidekicks for zons (fana) or freeze pallys to beat zons, theyd have charge + zeal + freeze, freeze to get close and whack with fana on, then switch back.

8. lightning sorces were never around back then, fire sorces were ther ebut not too popular, and cold (orb) sorces took the cake.

9. favorite armor...twitch. because in classic twitch is the armor to use on a zon.

10. yes, runes have been around since LOD was released.

11. ladder didnt reset as far as i know, i played 1.09 for years and never saw a reset. ladder and NL was the same, there was no difference in the 2, when u made a character it was automatically put in L, NL was non-existant.

12. the best item i -ever- had in classic i still have. a 10/30/20/12dtm/9str/22pris(that means 10fhr/30faster block rate/20increased chance of blocking/12 damage taken goes to mana/+9 strength/ 22 to all resistance)

in 09 that shield would have gone for like 30-40 soj's easy.
Lol i too was playing classic East during this time, i got to level 94, ranked 80 on overall 20 on barb. Also had a 90 nock zon that was funny. Team ii and team flam were terrible pkers. I remember in late 1.09 flam used to try to pk our cs runs and just ended up nk on the ROF wp while we finished our runs in >1:30. My best items apart from the Xpac in classic items i had where a +1 9min 11str 15dex 5ll ammy, and a legit(non dupe) 20fhr helm (aka pre 1.05)


Retired Staff
May 30, 2003
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Humble, Texas
D6E6A6D said:
D2 Classic: Tweakin Orb sorc when there were no cast delay, only sorc was a cold sorc. Necro was summoner with IM, Pally was a hammerdin, barb was ww, and lances pwned. zons were, well zons but they wore twitch! hehe i remember when armor of choice for zons was goldskin cause they wanted res, only to find out that twitch owned all for zon

i agree with all xcept the pally comment, in classic i may have seen 2 pallies in my entire time there. all pallies were were either

A. a cold smiter (freeze the zon, run up and bash her in the face, constantly swithing between cold aura and fana)

B. zon pets (fana, conc, blessed aim, etc etc, constantly switching through them to make them stack)


New Member
Dec 15, 2005
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DragnMatterBlade said:
i agree with all xcept the pally comment, in classic i may have seen 2 pallies in my entire time there. all pallies were were either

A. a cold smiter (freeze the zon, run up and bash her in the face, constantly swithing between cold aura and fana)

B. zon pets (fana, conc, blessed aim, etc etc, constantly switching through them to make them stack)
Actually there was a guy from north korea that spoke horrible broken english that i used to cs with that had a mixed melee/hammerdin. He managed to get to 94 with his hybrid build.


Dec 9, 2005
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hi dude
hey learn to make mods and make the game the way you want. I did
i use a barb and in my mod he can't be beat you can give and take away all powers to any char in the game i had a char that likesd to try to kill me with
smite so i made smite not doing anything at all. well he stopped trying to kill me.
i know it was cheating but i had alot of fun screwing with he's head. Sabusam


Praetoris Maximus
Jun 5, 2003
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Umm wow... relevance?

Anyways it seems that nobody remembers pre-09 LOD. Those were the good old days, with dupes a plenty, godly 08 items, and none of those pesky synergies to get in the way of rediculous skill builds that would never work in today's D2, because simply put, you need synergies or you die. Yes, Blizz added them to get rid of the cookie cutter nova/TS/orb sorcs and WW barbs, but to be honest, nobody uses the synergy skills, theyre just wasted skill points. Truely a useless addition.

I still remember the days where cow runs used to be the method of choice for EXP. Looking back even farther, to the days of early classic (~05), I can still remember how shitty every single unique item was except the SOJ and maybe a few belts, compared to godly rares that were duped into oblivion using mammoth glitches that Blizz hadn't patched yet. (wewt wewt gold dupe). I still remember my first char, a pally based around thorns and massive hp so it could kill shit by standing still. Yes, it got raped halfway through nightmare, and I ended up turning it into a decent lvl 91 zealadin (w/o synergies it only took 40 pts between zeal and fanat).

After about 6 months of 1.10 I got fed up of D2 after years of playing and quit. Tried coming back sporadically but it never really stuck.


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