What war3 needs in the expo.

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
Reaction score
All of u are fools. The dragons, especialy the proud red, green, and bronzedragons, would not allythemselves with the likes of humans and orcs. Deathwind is not dead, you just "killed him" in game. Deathwing is said to have disappeared and is very much alive. In fact deathwing is in the War 3 editor, under who knows what. Besides, the dragons ONLY allied with the NE and Cenarius in the war of the Ancients because they are the guardians of the world, and would not be stuck into the game because flying heros "would be cool".

on to more pressing matters.
Flying heroes are never going to exist in melee,
Fool, flying heros in my opinion, are a tier 3 hero, costing 500 (neveer free) and require two or more already lv 5 heros. Just figured that a flying hero rush would be unstoppable, have you never heard of cryptfirnds? or archers? HH and rifleman. All are extremely early in the game and can take down tier 3 flying units. My god it's so stupid to think flying heros would overpower. I would never even use them because the enemy would expect that. You never go for strength, but for weaknesses.

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