I'm kind-of popular at my school..
I was suggested by a teacher to make this speach club where kids practice doing speaches mainly on topics where you have a strong opinion on.. (Our school is a private school, and I am not a prep)
I did some speaches at a contest, won, gave the speach in front of the school one day (by TV to each classroom from the broadcasting room at the school), and that's how I 'sorta' got to be famous.. I guess....
Don't know, maybe I am a prep though like Willie I don't know what those words really mean..
I'm also known for my family's wealth which I am not at all proud of. I envy kids with parents who really get to their sons and daughters..
Not really proud of myself cause I've got some problems socially, mentally, physically, stuff like that.
Not into the sports group or either the studying nerd group though everyone except for a few at my school study pretty hard..
..I don't like my school.