Double weapons.
things like a whip should have a dagger on the end, and when you want, there will be an option to use it as a dagger instead. also, things like a tonfa or some thing. A tonfa sword it has two handles a leteral handle like a normal sword and a verticle handle so you hold it like a tonfa and use in closer range.
an axe hammer, one side axe, the ther war hammer. (polearm length.) and you can choose which way to use it. some monsters are not damaged by hammers or so, like asnd maggots in d2 are easier to kill by hacking with a sword.
maybe even a moomerang that comes back to you, you throw it, butit's not like arrows or ammunition, you can use it over and over. maybe some binding weapons, like razor chains to bind and constrict your enemy, you hold them for a certain amount of time and hut them.
if there were horses, a lance could be used.