What race will be erradicated in SC2?


Aug 30, 2005
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My bet, none. Blizzard woulnt ever limit their options for the future. There will always be fans if theirs a glimmer of hope for anyone. For all those people that hate Terran because they suck, I have a suprise... you suck. You may already know this but the fact that one race is better than another in every way is an insult to Blizzard.


Jan 23, 2003
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i dunno, if they were to end the series, im sure they would have the zerg annihilated and the toss scattered around the galaxy


Nov 27, 2005
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The Race that will be wiped out will be the Hybrids: Why you ask? because the Terrans, Protoss, and Zerg will be threatened by them they are a powerful race of bio-egineered monstrosities curteousy of Samir Duran or atleast thats what he said his name was but in the Secret Mission before Omega he said he was from a very old race *Xel'Naga* and he made the hybrids to complete the Xel'Naga's grand experiment, which the Overmind failed to do.

yo dint duran make the hybrid... but im guess the race that will be first to go is......definantly not guna be toss.. and i kno ran might be but ran wont go until jimmy kills kerri... if jim dies first... ima be angry... jim is like the beast of terran...


Aug 1, 2004
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On the edge of madness
chocolate said:
Hmm....reminds me of the "preview" on the original Starcraft CD. I've always wondered what that Ship was...

If you don't know what i'm talking about, put the original CD in, and click "preview"(I think, it's the button at the lower left side on the title screen).
Sorry didn't read much of the coments here, but...
If you look at many of the cinamatics the ships vechicals dont look like the actual things in the game. Take the terrian tanks for example. The one cinematic shows a wounded protoss dragoon and a tank blowing it up. Looks nothing like the tanks, or siege tanks for that matter.

If you remember in Brood Wars, one campain game stated that their was hybrid Protoss/Zerg within stacis Cells.
Sooooooooooo ...... could be Protoss that are going bye byes


BattleForums Senior Member
Aug 27, 2003
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It will be a free-for-all. The Terran and Protoss MAY band together for the greater need. The Zerg, MAY help out. But when there is a weak spot in the Terran and Protoss I'm sure Kerrigan will try and pull some crazy magic-8's out of her hat. And the Hybrids will most likely kill anything in its path. lol


Agna Deus, Qui tollis peccata uni
Jan 2, 2006
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Let me see here, i got a cool story...

At the beginning of the game, which will be a zerg campaign, Kerrigan catches word that Raynor took control of all Terran forces. She also finds out that Zeratul did the same with the Protoss. Also she hears that they have banded together to fight her forces and those of the Hybrid. Then she hears that there is a new force approaching the galaxy, the Xel'Naga. So the xel'naga help rebuild the wounded Protoss Nation, while attacking the Zerg, then the commander, the one i posted on CREATE YOUR OWN RACE/UNIT for sc2, teams up with Raynors main force because there is an oncoming army of 2 million hybrid forces, 1 million infested zealots, and 500,000 infested archons and 500,000 infested templar (dark and high). so they go to the main base of the terran force, they hear much noise in the grounds about 100 miles south, they go very high in a sience vessel and see the army unloading from their ships, then Raynor's like HOLY SHIT, and the xel'naga commander stands there, he looks down at his army which consists of only 750,000 High Zealots, Raynor looks at his 2,000,000 marines, but remembers that they haven't much armor and will barely stand a chance against these. all of the stuff having to do with xel'naga and terran are part of the Xel'Naga campaign. So then you are still in the cinematic, and the army is only like a mile away, so the gateways are bringing in high zealots and holy templars like crazy. Then the Xel'Naga commander sends his zealots to charge into battle, the marines go behind as ranged support, you see blood and dying zealots everywhere! then it puts you in, you are expected to destroy the forces on your own, u have terran and xel'naga forces at hand.... the rest is up to you!
Feb 8, 2006
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??? (Canada)
i go with pausebraek


Agna Deus, Qui tollis peccata uni
Jan 2, 2006
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Shaggy.2Dope said:
Let me see here, i got a cool story...

At the beginning of the game, which will be a zerg campaign, Kerrigan catches word that Raynor took control of all Terran forces. She also finds out that Zeratul did the same with the Protoss. Also she hears that they have banded together to fight her forces and those of the Hybrid. Then she hears that there is a new force approaching the galaxy, the Xel'Naga. So the xel'naga help rebuild the wounded Protoss Nation, while attacking the Zerg, then the commander, the one i posted on CREATE YOUR OWN RACE/UNIT for sc2, teams up with Raynors main force because there is an oncoming army of 2 million hybrid forces, 1 million infested zealots, and 500,000 infested archons and 500,000 infested templar (dark and high). so they go to the main base of the terran force, they hear much noise in the grounds about 100 miles south, they go very high in a sience vessel and see the army unloading from their ships, then Raynor's like OMFG, and the xel'naga commander stands there, he looks down at his army which consists of only 750,000 High Zealots, Raynor looks at his 2,000,000 marines, but remembers that they haven't much armor and will barely stand a chance against these. all of the stuff having to do with xel'naga and terran are part of the Xel'Naga campaign. So then you are still in the cinematic, and the army is only like a mile away, so the gateways are bringing in high zealots and holy templars like crazy. Then the Xel'Naga commander sends his zealots to charge into battle, the marines go behind as ranged support, you see blood and dying zealots everywhere! then it puts you in, you are expected to destroy the forces on your own, u have terran and xel'naga forces at hand.... the rest is up to you!
Sounds like I made a Minas Tirith in space LOL!


Feb 25, 2006
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There will be no race erradicated. That's it. If there was it would just make people who played with the erradicated race mad. Therefore bad ratings. Therefore why buy SC:2 when you can buy a whole new RTS, because by the time SC:2 is released the RTS era will begin again.


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
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""I beleive that if any fragment of a race was abliterated it would be the Dark Templars, they are there own civilatzation and just about everyone hates them, kerrigan fears them, the terrains dont trust them, and there own race dosnt understand them"" <-- Made me think ADrk Templar.... Xel'Naga maybe those crack smokers are in on sumthing sumtin big ass and dark templar help them and become there left hand or something cos in sc 1 they all piss off to somewhere


New Member
May 1, 2006
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:hbut That is the stupidest idea i have ever heard in my entire life. Wiping Terran out of starcraft???! that is like removing America out of WWII.... The story would be completely ruined! Just because you suck at Terran does not mean get rid of them, that just means that you are a noob and you should go play something else.

srg taters

New Member
May 18, 2006
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FF-7-Vincent said:
ummm i just got a crazy idea. what if the xel'nagi have been around all along. the humans on earth. terren are humans.
the terren could be the xel'nagi.
after the humans created the zerg the zerg couldve just like mass slauterd the xel'nagi(the terren i mean). the terren then crash landed on earth and had to start all over from scratch. then the terren returned to the protoss.
and now the xel'nagi are kinda becoming zerg. its all getting mixed in now. all fates of the protoss, zerg, and xell'nagi get twisted together. another perfect storyline for sc2

... that would be a great storyline except for one thing,
um... do the terrans look like a cross between a zergling and a zealot?!

B)ushid(o said:
The Zerg will be wiped out.

The Terran and the Protoss will have the Xel'Naga by their side. With this new ally they push the Zerg back to Char. At Char Kerrigan and the remnants of the Zerg put up a last stand. The final scene for the Terran will have a marine sergeant and his platoon coming upon a fleeing Kerrigan who is severely injured. Kerrigan is startled by the marines and staggers back. With that the sergeants says "Die you fcuking bitch." and the marines open fire on her and kills her. Then that cool scene like the U.E.D report at the end of Brood War will happen :D

The Zerg final scene would have a single overlord carrying a few drones and a hyrdalisk, and a few mutalisks fleeing from Char into the depths of space.

The Protoss final scene will have the Protoss rebuilding Aiur to its former glory. The Protoss and Xel'Naga are close friends and allies along with the Terran. A peaceful scene ensues.

... OMG another thing... you compleatly forgot about the hybrids... what? the universe is too good for the hybrids? sheesh!

K0r34n Jja Shik said:
Actually the critters are kinda interestin. Think about it.... they might be assimilated from the Zerg. Or they might actually be able to attack in SC2. Or explode if you keep clicking them.
hmm... ok i know that you know that they do explode if you click on them...(like 15 unit responses)

and one last item... i have no idea why no one thought of this... if they eradicate a race in the storyline it doesnt mean it has to be taken out of multiplayer!!!!!!!!!!!:noob


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