Check the stickies. It only works on Ghost, marine, siege tank, and maybe firebat (not sure)
-disable doodad state for :UNIT: at :LOCATION:
-create 1 :detector: for

-wait 500 millieseconds
-remove 1


The unit should be a computer unit and you should not be shared vision with it. The detector should be yours.
- Terran Marine (includes hero one)
- Terran Ghost (includes all the hero ghost and even infested duran)
- Terran Firebat (includes hero one)
- Terran Siege Tank 'Tank Mode' (will still attack, includes Edmund Duke in 'tank mode,' siege mode will crash SC)
- Terran Science Vessel (includes the hero)
- Zerg Broodling (will always stay cloaked when disabled)
- Protoss Interceptor (will freeze and remain stuck in the air, carrier is still needed)
- Reaver Scarab (same as interceptor will freeze in the air but will eventually explode, fast reaction trigger might be needed to get this one to work)
- Zerg Egg (will always stay cloaked when disabled, Lurker Egg doesn't work and will crash SC)
- Nuclear Missile
All the following Power ups will disable and when disabled can no longer be picked up by SCVs and other peon units
- Khalis Crystal
- Uraj Crystal
- Psi Emitter
- Young Chrysalis
- Khaydarin Crystal
- Data Disc
- Mineral Chunk 1
- Mineral Chunk 2
- Vespene Orb 1
- Vespene Orb 2
- Vespene Sac 1
- Vespene Sac 2
- Vespene Tank 1
- Vespene Tank 2
- Flag (will not cloak)
-- Buildings --
- Terran Barracks
- Terran Bunker (Units already loaded into will still attack)
- Terran Supply Depot
- Terran Engineering Bay
- Ion Cannon
- Terran Factory
- Terran Machine Shop
- Terran Nuke Silo
- Terran Control Tower
- Overmind 'with shell'
- Protoss Assimilator (you can still harvest gas from it)
- Khaydarin Crystal Formation
- Stasis Cell/Prison
- Protoss Temple
- Unused Independent Starport (says its hallucinated when disabled even though its not, and if the owner clicks on it will say "your base is under attack" where it normally didn't)
The following Protoss Buildings require a pylon before they can be disabled, must be powered first.
- Protoss Observator
- Protoss Robotics Faucilty
- Protoss Citadel of Adun
- Protoss Gateway
- Protoss Cybernetics Core
- Protoss Templar Archives
- Protoss Forge
- Protoss Stargate
- Protoss Fleet Beacon
- Protoss Arbiter Tribunal
- Protoss Robotics Support Bay
- Protoss Shield Battery
- Protoss Cannon (can attack if enabled again)
-- Extra --
- Terran Beacon
- Zerg Beacon
- Protoss Beacon
- Terran Flag Beacon (I think if computer owned it may not randomly drop flags on it)
- Zerg Flag Beacon (same as above)
- Protoss Flag Beacon (same as above)
- Doors (disable and enable will toggle between open a close)
- Floor Hatches (disable and enable will toggle between open can close)
- Traps (disable and enable will toggle between activated 'will attack' and non-active 'won't attack'