Do you mean in whole game of in NE?For NE i have to say demon hunter,because he is the only one who is decent as a fighter,and his skills are very nice at melee range.Its a real shame they made his mana burn so much worse than in the original released version of RoC,it was sweet :-D.But still,he is good.For whole game,i have to say archmage of mountain king.Mountain king is the best fighter by me,because think about it,his ultimate gives him 20 damage and 500 hp,and his other moves do very good damage,and slow or paralyze.Also,he has a 30%(i think)chance to paralyze every hit with lv 3 bash.The archmage is good,just because he can double mana regen,and can summon a unit more powerful than a knight at level five,or fire off a long lasting,high damaging AOE attack early on as well.