The thing about the runewords that most people have an issue with, is IMO, that fact that all the "old players" from 1.09 were used to making killer builds with no + 20 to skills, teleing characters (besides a sorc), ect and still achieving their goal. Now anyone can get to lvl 90+ without even knowing anything, as long as they have certin runewords.
Yes runewords do make things easier to kill PvM, but in PvP you're nothing without them.
Personally, I wish their was less runewords, not completely gone, but less. Some runewords I have yet to see anyone use, tohers are so overused, your no one unless your character has them.
What I think they should have done with 1.11 reset was fix the bugged items (some still exist) and delete all the overpowered runewords. This would have reset the playing field for builds, reset the pricing in trades, and make the game actually challenging again. Also this would have gotten rid of many of the kids that spend their mommy and daddys money who buy gear and characters on line.
I recently left D2 (as stated before) due to the loads of "kids" that have no clue how to even use a character, but have every runeword worth buying. I just hope the next reset has some major changes to it.