-Mystique [ X Men ]
Can we say... Pwnage?
Yeah...tell me whom she can't take out? fight against any1..she turn into them..BUT, she has her own powers as well as her enemies..
once again.. Kthnxbye

-Mystique [ X Men ]
Can we say... Pwnage?
Yeah...tell me whom she can't take out? fight against any1..she turn into them..BUT, she has her own powers as well as her enemies..
once again.. Kthnxbye
that's too ****ing true....mystique couldnt own him..and mystique couldnt even beat him..cuz if she turned into him..she wouldn't fully understand his moves and how to power up....so you know...goku would take tis pinky and make a Spirit bomb in like 3 nano seconds at ssj6SSJ6 Goku , w00t? No one will kill him...not possible..