Lwek said:
EMP Shockwave.
Archon have 350 Shield points?
And high templars have 225 MP don't they?
Don't forgoet that not only does emp shockwave knock out all Protoss shielding, but all MP of every given unit in the game, including arbiters, queens, wraiths, ghosts, Dark archons, high templars, prob missing a few still, oh yeah, battle cruisers for yamato.
I still prefer protoss to the others, as this has always been my specialty.
Zealot rush can be quite effective in beginning as soon as you get 1/1/1 upgrades, high templars make great defense... psi storm being my fav spell of the game... lockdown is a close one to that though.
You play a person in fastest map, PSI storm their workers and they'll be choked! hehe, unless they have 3-4 townhalls.
Arbiters make great units with recall and statis field I must admit, I go for a good combination of units when it comes to that.
Reavers for their townhall, high templars for their workers and other oncoming units, corsairs for OLs/Cannons/Turrets, even normal archons, whatever works, more the units the better.
600 pop, so tempting, but by that time, usually the game is over... I've had around 450 before, but nothing more... it feels nice having such variety in games.
The way I've always seen it, in terms of the topic, is that,
it's a loop.
Protoss can take out zerg with psi storm easily!
Zerg can take out terran with defiler plague easily!
Terran can take out protoss with EMP Shockwave easily!
Tank is definetely the best ground unit in the game, no one can compare to them, on ground.
In the air, I've always thought devourers owned all, grouped with guardians, and/or scourges.
Goliaths and tanks are a good combo
so are zerg air units, guardians/devourers/scourges
Zerg is even good on ground... mass hydras with defiler .... orange cloud?
But good players can defend vs that with psi storm and tanks...
so that's that, I still prefer protoss