Well as much as i want to agree with how stupid it is..If you take it in a point of view like this..Every body matures at a different rate. Obviously we have the maturity to not base our actions on video games, I mean we're not going to go search for a bear and pretend it's a Druid of the Claw. Or paint a rooster purple and call it a Hippogriph.
You can look at studies and it's true, even though people don't like to face it..Not everyone in this world can handle violence in games and/or TV. I mean face it..When you were a lil kiddy would you be fighting pillows or trying flips and such if it werent for great shows like Ninja turtles and/or Power Rangers? Would you even know about ninjustu and shee-yat without TV and video games, Movies? Most people wouldn't unless you read..(Ugh..)
But many children take violence this way..Well if they do it in (Insert TV show, movie, game) then why shouldn't i?
Clearly our/your school is only trying to positively influence you guys and to top that avoid lawsuits