I'm tired of people talking shit about vista when they haven't used it, or were to stupid to figure out how to install and run it properly.
It took me 20 minutes to build my computer for Vista, and I have ran it for over a year now and I have not had it crash once, had no problems with any drivers (im on 64-bit), never slows down, nothing bad has ever happened. Vista is so much better than XP in a million ways.
I agree with this notion. The only con on a 64-bit is as I said: Driver compatiability and the fact your numbers are going to be using double RAM (but on the upside, you can use the whole 4 GB+). So what if it blows half your memory or more? You need at least 2 GB+ to make it run efficiently anyways.
Hell, UAC is pretty good to have, when you don't want to install something by accident or you find a program that you may not trust.
I myself haven't had in crash in a long time, hell - SP1 gave me 70GB of Hard Drive space extra.
WZ said:
same here. the only problem i think i will run into is just a few games being gay
The fix I told you to DL should solve half the problems. You must also update your GFX card with the proper OS and bit settings. For instance, if you are using 32-bit, use 32 bit Vista-compatiable drivers. Also, 64 bit Vista cannot run any 16-bit games because Win16 DLLs were removed.
Remember, on some games you may need to run it in Administrator mode (activates UAC) and/or change the run settings so it runs using Windows XP SP2.