Retired Staff
This next section is on what I pride myself on.
vB code. 
Note: Some people refer to vB codes as BBCodes as they are used in other forum builds. But whatever.
What are vB codes?
vB codes are codes that work like HTML but to prevent the exploitive nature of HTML, vBulletin and all forum builds use their own coding scheme, using square brackets ([ and ]).
Can you tell me how to exploit using HTML?
Are vB codes case-sensitive?
No, but certain attributes may be (like images on hosted servers).
OK, how will this go?
I will tell you each tag with attributes if needed, with examples. I have a coding scheme to help separate the jargon.
vB codes - Text formatting
Tag name: Bold (B)
Description: Makes text bold
Attributes: N/A
Syntax: [b]Emboldened text[/b]
Returns: Emboldened text
Tag name: Italic (I)
Description: Makes text italic
Attributes: N/A
Syntax: [i]Italicized text[/i]
Returns: Italicized text
Tag name: Underline (U)
Description: Makes text underlined
Attributes: N/A
Syntax: [u]Underlined text[/u]
Returns: Underlined text
Tag name: Font (FONT)
Description: Changes font face
Attributes: Font face
Syntax: [font=Wingdings]Different font[/font]
Returns: Different font
Tag name: Size (SIZE)
Description: Changes font size
Attributes: Font size (1 to 7, integer only)
Syntax: [size=5]Different size[/size]
Returns: Different size
Tag name: Colour (COLOR) *bashes American spelling*
Description: Changes font colour
Attributes: Font colour (either its HTML equivalent (such as lightsteelblue or red) or a hexadecimal value preceeded by #)
Syntax: [color=lightsteelblue]Different colour[/color]
Returns: Different colour
vB codes - Special formatting
Tag name: URL (URL)
Description: Formats URLs
Attributes: (Optional) URL address
Syntax: [url]http://www.battleforums.com[/url] OR [url=http://www.battleforums.com]Text[/url]
Returns: http://www.battleforums.com OR Text
Tag name: Image (IMG)
Description: Inserts an image
Attributes: N/A
Syntax: [img]http://www.battleforums.com/images/img/battle/top4.jpg[/img]
Tag name: E-mail (EMAIL)
Description: Formats e-mail addresses (using mailto
Attributes: (Optional) E-mail address
Syntax: [email]x42bn6@hotmail.com[/email] OR [email=x42bn6@hotmail.com]Spam x42bn6 here![/email]
Returns: x42bn6@hotmail.com OR Spam x42bn6 here!
vB codes - 'Groupings'
Tag name: Code (CODE)
Description: Formats code into monospaced fonts that do not break lines
Attributes: N/A
Syntax: [code]<html>
Hello World!
<script language="JavaScript">
function display() {
document.write("Hello World!")
<script language="JavaScript">
Tag name: PHP (PHP)
Description: Formats code into PHP colour-coded text
Attributes: N/A
Syntax: [php]<?php
$x42bn6="Hello World!";
echo $x42bn6;
Tag name: List (LIST) and Option (*)
Description: Formats a list
Attributes: (Optional) Type of list, 1 for numbered list and A for lettered list
Syntax: Normal list:
Returns: Normal list:
Numbered List:
Lettered List:
Tag name: Quote (QUOTE)
Description: Formats code into a quote.
Attributes: N/A
Syntax: [quote]To pee or not to pee, that is the question.[/quote]
This code is acheived by clicking 'Quote' on a post.
Syntax: [quote=x42bn6]To pee or not to pee, that is the question.[/quote]
This code is acheived by clicking 'Quote' on a post.
Originally Posted by x42bn6
To pee or not to pee, that is the question.
You should notice a new addition to your postbit. It's a single flag (or two flags if you are in the United States of America or in the European Union) below some of the posts.
You can set yours by going to User CP > Edit Profile, then scrolling to the bottom. There, you can select what country you would like to represent, and a US State if you wish. The very same applies for Canada and its provinces. Selecting an European Union country will automatically add an EU flag.
Viva les Britishers! (Whatever that means)
vB codes - explained
vB codes - explained
Note: Some people refer to vB codes as BBCodes as they are used in other forum builds. But whatever.
What are vB codes?
vB codes are codes that work like HTML but to prevent the exploitive nature of HTML, vBulletin and all forum builds use their own coding scheme, using square brackets ([ and ]).
Can you tell me how to exploit using HTML?
Are vB codes case-sensitive?
No, but certain attributes may be (like images on hosted servers).
OK, how will this go?
I will tell you each tag with attributes if needed, with examples. I have a coding scheme to help separate the jargon.
- Red is the name of the tag
- Yellow will be attributes
- Green shows you what is within tags
- Orange is any = or / character
vB codes - Text formatting
Tag name: Bold (B)
Description: Makes text bold
Attributes: N/A
Syntax: [b]Emboldened text[/b]
Returns: Emboldened text
Tag name: Italic (I)
Description: Makes text italic
Attributes: N/A
Syntax: [i]Italicized text[/i]
Returns: Italicized text
Tag name: Underline (U)
Description: Makes text underlined
Attributes: N/A
Syntax: [u]Underlined text[/u]
Returns: Underlined text
Tag name: Font (FONT)
Description: Changes font face
Attributes: Font face
Syntax: [font=Wingdings]Different font[/font]
Returns: Different font
Tag name: Size (SIZE)
Description: Changes font size
Attributes: Font size (1 to 7, integer only)
Syntax: [size=5]Different size[/size]
Returns: Different size
Tag name: Colour (COLOR) *bashes American spelling*
Description: Changes font colour
Attributes: Font colour (either its HTML equivalent (such as lightsteelblue or red) or a hexadecimal value preceeded by #)
Syntax: [color=lightsteelblue]Different colour[/color]
Returns: Different colour
vB codes - Special formatting
Tag name: URL (URL)
Description: Formats URLs
Attributes: (Optional) URL address
Syntax: [url]http://www.battleforums.com[/url] OR [url=http://www.battleforums.com]Text[/url]
Returns: http://www.battleforums.com OR Text
- If you do not want the link as the link text, then you must use the attribute.
- If the link starts with www, there is no need to put http://.
- Often, there is no need to put the URL tag as unless the thread starter specifies, all URLs are automatically formatted.
Tag name: Image (IMG)
Description: Inserts an image
Attributes: N/A
Syntax: [img]http://www.battleforums.com/images/img/battle/top4.jpg[/img]

- The image must be a valid image with a valid extention.
- For obvious reasons, do not link images like pornography.
Tag name: E-mail (EMAIL)
Description: Formats e-mail addresses (using mailto
Attributes: (Optional) E-mail address
Syntax: [email]x42bn6@hotmail.com[/email] OR [email=x42bn6@hotmail.com]Spam x42bn6 here![/email]
Returns: x42bn6@hotmail.com OR Spam x42bn6 here!
- Again, valid e-mail address.
- Remember, if you do put your e-mail address up, it will be spidered and you MAY receive spam.
- Do not put up other people's e-mail addresses without their permission.
- Often, there is no need to put the e-mail tag as unless the thread starter specifies, all e-mails are automatically formatted.
vB codes - 'Groupings'
Tag name: Code (CODE)
Description: Formats code into monospaced fonts that do not break lines
Attributes: N/A
Syntax: [code]<html>
Hello World!
<script language="JavaScript">
function display() {
document.write("Hello World!")
<script language="JavaScript">
Hello World!
<script language="JavaScript">
function display() {
document.write("Hello World!")
<script language="JavaScript">
Tag name: PHP (PHP)
Description: Formats code into PHP colour-coded text
Attributes: N/A
Syntax: [php]<?php
$x42bn6="Hello World!";
echo $x42bn6;
$x42bn6="Hello World!";
echo $x42bn6;
Tag name: List (LIST) and Option (*)
Description: Formats a list
Attributes: (Optional) Type of list, 1 for numbered list and A for lettered list
Syntax: Normal list:
- x42bn6
- x42bn7
- x42bn8
- x42bn6
- x42bn7
- x42bn8
- x42bn6
- x42bn7
- x42bn8
Returns: Normal list:
Numbered List:
Lettered List:
Tag name: Quote (QUOTE)
Description: Formats code into a quote.
Attributes: N/A
Syntax: [quote]To pee or not to pee, that is the question.[/quote]
This code is acheived by clicking 'Quote' on a post.
Syntax: [quote=x42bn6]To pee or not to pee, that is the question.[/quote]
This code is acheived by clicking 'Quote' on a post.
Returns:x42bn6 said:To pee or not to pee, that is the question.
Originally Posted by x42bn6
To pee or not to pee, that is the question.
You should notice a new addition to your postbit. It's a single flag (or two flags if you are in the United States of America or in the European Union) below some of the posts.
You can set yours by going to User CP > Edit Profile, then scrolling to the bottom. There, you can select what country you would like to represent, and a US State if you wish. The very same applies for Canada and its provinces. Selecting an European Union country will automatically add an EU flag.
Viva les Britishers! (Whatever that means)