Sigh, right Fenix. Thanks for the tirade. I do not condone map stealing at all by distributing the program. And on top of that, since I have the Unprotector and I am very good with the editor, why are there not rigged versions of every single map out there right now? Because if someone had malicious intent, and wanted to waste alot of time, they could do that. Download every map, rig the crap, and distribute it on, while people are being led to the slaughterhouse unknowingly (i.e playing the map without knowing it's rigged).
Secondly, some people (i.e me), simply want to look at the map. That is what I do. I do not EDIT, I DO look at triggers, and I DO look at unit statistics (i.e hp, attack damage etc), so that when I am making my own Lotr-style map (which I am doing right now), I can use THEIR knowledge to ensure that MY map is as FAIR as possible (as I am not very good at ensuring unit balance in my U.M.S maps). So, I think we can safely agree that simply by using the Unprotector, does NOT make you a newb. Learning from other people's maps contributes to the total knowledge of map makers, ensuring better maps in the future.
Thirdly, it is not that hard to find sounds. For example, in Normandy SE, there is a Homer's trademark Doh! when you die. Well, I conducted my own little search and found the same sound clip in under five minutes! So don't give people this BS about "it's so hard finding sounds". There are threads where people have been given links to sites with hundreds of clips of cool lasers, ships, and anything else you wanted. So THAT argument is moot.
Lastly, many people DO contact the creators of maps, simply because not everyone is some hacking 15 year old out to destroy Starcraft Multiplayer gameplay. Example, Lotr-Haldir created his "Helm's Deep v. Final" map after getting user feedback and implementing those ideas. Lastly lastly, if maps are good enough, but have a "few bugs" i.e some stuff that might give people a tiny advantage, but which can be overcome with superior gameplay, it will not be edited and will not have 50, 000 versions of it online, let alone 5.
And in conclusion, just think of as Linux. I've used this analogy before. Linux is added on to year round by programmers. At the end of the year, the best parts are kept, and the worst removed. The program is then up to date and more efficient then the previous version. As in Linux, players can and will figure out for themselves, that some maps are rigged, and will rely on the original version of whatever map it is, given time. The community is not some stupid herd of cows; they are intelligent people who are able to figure stuff out.
There. That should put an end to all this crap about SC Unprotect.
:nooob :shoot
Fenix Bazooka+Me