sorry I didnt mean Phoenix, I meant whoever said ghosts were good. Anyways yea I knowbout the damage. However I think massing ghosts could be effective. Also dont forget about the cloak..which means you could get ghosts behinf enemy forces and make your nmy very confused. And lockdown always causes a mess and but then again I havent tried this idea out in reality so Im not sure how good it will be, but I think I will. ByeOriginally posted by Ryan
Does this mean AKA-47 is gone forever?
Madball... are you serious? First you say you agree with Phoenix, then you say why Ghosts are good. Huh? Out of all the possible units for Terran, who is going to use Ghosts as their unit to mass? Most units that other players are going to mass (bear with me, I haven't played money maps in a long time) are either Dragoons, Carriers, Hydralisks, Mutalisk, Guardian, Marines & Medics (probably just Marines; money map players are dumb), Goliaths, and BattleCruisers. Now all of these units except the Marines & Medics are going to get only 50% or 25% damage from the Ghosts attack of 10. Do to the concussive nature of the shot, the ghosts simply are not going to work in this situation. Even if you do hotkey your Ghosts to use Lockdown, the most you'll lockdown is units. And that is if you are extremely lucky because the units that are locking down will be on the front lines most likely and they will get picked off quickly.