G-Blunted said:
The thing with this strat...is if the other player is smart...he would ignore the skellies and never ever spend time attacking them. Although this goes for all summons except maybe summons used for harassment, killing those can get you some early xp, maybe like fighting a small green camp.
Also what do you think, after you get your necs and before you start your march to the enemy, do you save for tech to tier 3 and lay down slaughter while teching...or do you lay down slaughterhouse before you tech so you can get that mana stat produced and continue the attack or make it last longer...I'm interested in trying this out....i havn't had a chacne to play today tho
Right now I quit WC3 and deleted it... but I'll help you out.
Anyway, here's my advice:
Use THIS strat against UD. You will NOT need wagons because you can use the other guys graveyard. Against UD,
get house later and get 3 temples.
Against all other races, you will need a wagon as well as a stat or two. Do what I say up there, 5 ghouls at wood, shop, crypt, zig, altar, DK and tech. Grab a rod and harass with DK and try to get him to level 2.
Tier 2 comes, you drop 2 temples and 1 house. At temples, pump 3 necs each for a total of 6. THEN get the upgrades. As for the house, make a stat first, wagon, then another stat, then the corpse upgrade. When the first stat comes out, make him regenerate the mana of the necs. When the wagon comes out, make him pack all the corpses at the graveyard.
You should attack when you have
1 stat, 1 wagon and at least 4 necs. Bring these, your DK and take 2 ghouls off your wood.
OPTIONAL: With your hero, grab 2 blight skulls, 2 scroll of defenses as well as an invisibility potion, along with the tp you already got.
In battle, bring wagon as front as you can, summon with necs and then send in the skeletons in. Set your stat on mana if you only have 1. It shouldn't be harder than attack click. Also, if you have items, use your scroll and lay the blight under YOUR OPPONENT. Keep ghouls back for pact.
As for excess money, TECH. That's right. Don't get the Lich. Tech and get the upgrades for your units. You want to get master training, skeletal mastery and destroyer upgrade. If you REALLY have a lot money, it's wise to get unholy armor first then attack.
As for skill points, get get coil/aura/coil/
pact/coil/x/x/x/x/x. The reason I choose pact over aura at level 4 is that level 2 aura only gives you .5 more health per second, while you can use pact on ghouls to heal 320 hp instantly. If the enemy isn't heavy on AoE, aura is only good for speed, since they will most likely focus fire.
As for the other spells, if they are using hero killer spells like stormbolt, mana burn, I'd get pact. If they use AoE spells, perhaps aura is better. In most cases, I would advise
AGAINST animate dead because the corpses will be used by necs.
In a nutshell:
Vs. UD
- 3 temples
- attack with 5 necs, 2 ghouls, DK
Vs. Other
- 2 temples, 1 house
- attack with 4 necs, 1 stat, 1 wagon, 2 ghouls, DK
- bring sacrificial skull
- 2 scroll of protection
- invisibility potion
- skeletal mastery, master training
- level 2/3 attack/armor
- extra stat
Hope you have fun!